"en âge de les avoir vus pousser"

PoorMoldovanLass   Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:57 am GMT
what does this mean?
PARISIEN   Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:47 pm GMT
>> en âge de les avoir vu pousser <<

-- literally: "in age to have seen them growing"
-- = "old enough to have seen them growing"
PARISIEN   Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:53 pm GMT
Oh I see, Google tells me this nice expression was taken from a report about the Parisian bourgeoisie.

Here the full sentence:
"A l'ombre de somptueux arbres centenaires, quelques membres du club, en âge de les avoir vus pousser, ... "

Which translates as:
"Under the shadow of magnificent hundred year old trees, some club members who were old enough to have seen them in their infancy..."
