So what's the real % of germanic in French ?
Perhaps as much as 15% of Modern French has Germanic roots.
Real percentage? No one really knows but many sources indicate up to 15%
15 % is a lot ! French is the least Romance sounding language, anyway , but with this high 15% is even less Romance.
Now that you mention Romania, why do some maps consider Romania a Francophone country???
Many people from Romania actually do speak French as a second language and I've heard that Romanian went through a period where it borrowed French words to make the language less Slavic (is this true, by the way?). No clue why it is considered Francophone though...
>>I've heard that Romanian went through a period where it borrowed French words to make the language less Slavic <<
Was this the 'style' of the time or political reasons?
Was this the 'style' of the time or political reasons?
No clue, it was just something I heard. I hope someone else here can give us the real story on this.
Bulgaria is a Francophone country as well and bulgarian is a slavic language. You don't have to be latin to join the Francophone countries.
Romanian borrowed from French only less than 2 %. I guess for Romanian, it makes more sense to borrow from another Romance language like French, than from any Slavic language.
Romanian borrowed from French only less than 2 %. I guess for Romanian, it makes more sense to borrow from another Romance language like French, than from any Slavic language.
Sur un vocabulaire de 60.000 mots, la part des langues germaniques mortes & vivantes est de 6 ½ %. Si on prend la 'totalité' du vocabulaire disponible, la part diminue.
greg just doesn't want to accept the 15% Germanic influence because he is a nationalistic latin frog fuckoing loser.
Mon cher « Guest » : je vois que tu te répètes comme un petit robot, même dans tes pitoyables insultes... Mais ce qui m'attriste le plus c'est la bêtise insondable qui t'anime : tu dois certainement faire partie de ceux qui pensent que la Terre est plate. Grand bien t'en fasse ! Les chiens aboient et la caravane passe (proverbe arabe).
"Greg should burn in the deepest pile of shit in Hell" (French proverb)
Believing in 'latiness' is the most repulsive way of thinking since napoleon.
Believing in 'latiness' is the most repulsive way of thinking since napoleon.
<< « Greg doit brûler dans le tas le plus profond de merde dans l'Enfer » ( proverbe français)
Croire en les « latiness » est la façon la plus répulsive de pensée depuis napoleon. >>
Croire en les « latiness » est la façon la plus répulsive de pensée depuis napoleon. >>
Tu te sens mieux après avoir exhibé ton ignorance et ta laideur d'âme ? Pourquoi es-tu incapable de discuter sur des bases solides ? Tu as peur ? Un conseil : va consulter un psychologue > ça te coûtera plus cher que d'étaler ton idiotie sur un site de langues mais ce sera certainement plus efficace pour ta santé mentale.