The word "Proteobeous"

Peter Stebber   Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:26 am GMT
I read that the word;


will be added to the Oxford English dictionary in the next round of word additions in March 2006.

But the article did not the reveal the meaning of the word!

So today's question is ......

What on Earth does this word mean '?

Peter Stebber   Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:27 am GMT
BTW Pronounciaton was given as


Something to do with Proteins ?
Easterner   Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:41 am GMT
I wonder if it has some connection with Proteus, a sea-god in Greek mythology (who, when captured, changed into different shapes, hence the word "protean" in English). Could it be a compound of the Greek words "Proteus" and "bios" ("life") or "bioo" ("to live"), meaning something like "living in sea and having a cameleon-like tendency of changing appearance" (as some sea animals really do)??? This is just a guess, of course...
Easterner   Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:44 am GMT
By the way, isn't the spelling supposed to be "proteobious" (as in "amphybious")? That would confirm my assumption...
Guest   Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:02 am GMT
Well, it doesn't look like it's ever been used by anyone... Google returns not hit.
Peter Stubber   Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:14 pm GMT
Yup, I spelled it incorrectly, sorry;

Colin Carmichael   Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:18 pm GMT
Well I got nothing from Google either, then I looked at a specialist uni site that I use for teaching and I got the following ;-


A newly emerging medical theory whereby human cells that are under attack in the body can change their natural form and identity type, in order to 'hide' from the cell attacking source and thus promoting a full recovery.

Context given:-

The improvement is the gland is significant, far beyond what we were expecting to see this week in the patient, the rate of cell recovery has been extremely fast and the nature appears proteobious.

Linguistics consultant to HM RAF
Guest   Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:19 pm GMT
I reckon this is a bluff..... an urban myth.

Nice try guys!
Stan   Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:56 pm GMT
<< I read that the word;


will be added to the Oxford English dictionary in the next round of word additions in March 2006. >>

Sorry, I just don't buy your story and I don't think anyone is buying it either, I think you just want people to chase shadows.

I believe that words that are popular (without a formal definition) are usually given that privilege, not a word that can't be found on any known search engine and libraries the internet.
Guest   Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:19 pm GMT
After searching many medical databases, I can't find a single reference to it. Obviously a silly hoax.
Stan's Neuro-psychiatrist   Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:40 pm GMT

Control the fear.... just because you can't understand of find this word does not mean that NO-ONE else believes in it.

That is still your 100% number 1 problem, You are BLACK and WHITE. You are too "Absolutist" and it makes you come across as dictatoial and right wing.

The new word DOES exist ..... the arcticle just has not been covered by any form of E-media yet.

We'll talk about this more when I see you next Stan.


Stan's Neuro-Psychiatrist

PS.... Do you fear that you are chasing shadows Stan ? Do you ?
HAHA   Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:36 pm GMT
Alright say that once more
HAHA   Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:46 pm GMT
I still didnt get the joke
HAHA   Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:48 pm GMT
Alright say it just once more