"that's the guy that keeps to himself. You know which guy I'm talking bout now"
what does it mean?
what does it mean?
to keep to yourself
"that's the guy that keeps to himself. You know which guy I'm talking bout now"
what does it mean?
HI, abc
Bernnus is absolutely all right, Oxford says: keep yourself to yourself | keep to yourself to avoid meeting people socially or becoming involved in their affairs: Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself very much to himself. If I were you, l would first look up a dictionary. I am telling you, it will be your best companion if you are interested to use English effectively and correctly. Sarosh Khan
Brennus, Sarosh from Pakistan, and Stan, thanx a lot
one more question thu, what does it mean to "flip off" someone? http://www.zakas.org/MikkiFlipOff.gif
To flip someone off is to make a rude gesture involving a certain finger....AKA "the bird", the "monodigital salute", "you're number one!". etc.
Sure I'm around, have you got anything to say to me?, though my comments were deleted, I still stand by them...and its funny you mentioned "thanks" I hoping we would be enemies.
Och! ...what a couthy wee man Stan seems to be.
To flip also means to become a wee bit unbalanced.....like losing your cool.
I do know that you stick to your comments. and honestly, I too was sad to see that they were deleted, because I really wanted other ppl to know why I left you that link up there. haha gotcha |