Californian /A,a/
AN should be AND
Kirk, I guess I get what you mean by getting certain pronounciations mixed up when their could be many possiblities.
Haven't answered my question!!! ;)
Where is your "friend" from???
<<Roseanne Bar pronounces MOM as [mO:m] with an open [O] (like in Italian può or Portuguese avó) not like /A/ or /a/>>
Yeah, that's another possibility for the sound. That is sometimes heard in California and some other accents.
<<BTW, everyone speaks of front and back A's. Could it be centralized?
Is there such thing?>>
I would think it would be possible but I can't think of an accent that does that right now.
<<Kirk, I guess I get what you mean by getting certain pronounciations mixed up when their could be many possiblities.>>
Yeah, what one person reads might sound quite different from what another reads even if they're looking at the same word.
Yolanda, you were about right with the whole "Texan-movie accent" w/ my friend however I doubt that those who speak with that "accent" are refined only to Texas. Anyway, "my friend" is from New Mexico.
Careful Yolanda... asking for my friend's exact address will freak some people out. ;)