closed wines?

Lazarakis   Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:31 am GMT
"Auslese godcap 95 Elegant wine, with good acidity, a bit closed."
"Diel: Auslese Goldcap 95 Nose seemed closed, a hint of rhubarb "
"Riesling Kabinett trocken '94 Somewhat closed nose. Near Spaetlese density"
(All from

Talking about wines, what do they mean by "closed"?
andre in usa   Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:35 pm GMT
It means the wine is lacking in character because it has not aged sufficiently.
Mari   Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:16 pm GMT
Speaking of wine...
What does it mean when a wine bottle is "poled"??
Don't ask for the context because a friend of a friend asked the question.