which of the following 3 titles sounds more correct to ya, "publicity manager", "publicity chairman", or "publicity person"?
Also, which word is more professional to use: "marketing" or "publicity"?
Either first or second. I'd go with the first. Scrap the third.
Marketing is better. Marketing manager sounds good. ;)
***which of the following 3 titles sounds more correct to ya***
Why ask for "professional" forms of expression when you put your original question in this way? And if you really want to use "professional" written English, then please at least start your sentences with capital letters. And please don't follow my example by starting sentences with conjunctions, as I don't know nothing. Or in Estuary....."nuffink".
>>Why ask for "professional" forms of expression when you put your original question in this way?
what way?
The way you posted your original question.
ie, ya instead of you