Basic Pronunciation questions
Is 'the' pronounced as THUH (with a short U) or THEE? I hear both versions on television. Which one is correct?
For words starting with 'TU' such as 'tube, tutor...', do you pronounce the 'TU' as 'TOO' or 'CHOO' --> 'TOOB' or 'CHOOB'? 'TOOTR' or 'CHOOTR'?
Is the fabric 'tulle' pronounced as 'TOOL'?
In most dialects, 'the' pronounced 'thuh' if the following word starts with a consonnant and 'thee' if the following word starts with a vowel. So...
'thuh' pear
'thee' apple
>> For words starting with 'TU' such as 'tube, tutor...', do you pronounce the 'TU' as 'TOO' or 'CHOO' --> 'TOOB' or 'CHOOB'? 'TOOTR' or 'CHOOTR'? <<
'Tube' may be pronounced either 'toob', 'tyoob' or 'choob'; it simply depends which dialect is being used.
You can also use the 'thee' pronunciation for emphasis, or to express surprise: 'I saw Tom Cruise yesterday.' 'You mean THEE Tom Cruise??'
<<'Tube' may be pronounced either 'toob', 'tyoob' or 'choob'; it simply depends which dialect is being used.>>
Exactly. In American English, "tube" is pronounced "toob" [tub]. In British and Australian English, it's pronounced either as "tyoob" [tjub]/[tj}b] or as "choob" [tSub]/[tS}b].
(Sorry, I forgot length marks above: that should be [tju:b]/[tj}:b], [tSu:b]/[tS}:b].)
As above for me except that I don't seem to pronounce "the" differently depending on whether a vowel or consonant follows. For me it's always /D@/ (i.e. "THUH") and only ever /Di:/ (i.e. "THEE") for emphasis.
Also it's /tSu:/ (i.e. "CHOO") for "tu" for me except maybe when I want to sound all proppa.