I'm in an Honors Engish class and I have noticed that some of my classmates accidentally use "chat words" in their essays, responses, and papers. I personally do not have an MSN account or CHAT place but it's like everyday I see more and more people using these written words so casually. Is there a possibility that this "chat" will take over?
"Plz & thnx U"... Chat talk taking over the wo
Ur qte rite...itll sn tke ovr the whle wrld. Jst thnk of all the tme & spce we cn save...not 2 mntn mney. Surely evrybdy wrts lttrs ths wy now dnt they? Only a mttr of tme b4 we evn spk ths wy so thtll sve on breth. Txt spk is the ftre...so yes..."cht" wll tke ovr b4 lng.
I prsnlly Dspiz ths habt. Rmnds me of follwng cars arnd tryng 2 read thr licnse pl8s.
Fun-E! (prvus lettr)
Sorry, I can't help but type normally now...
Realistically, is there a chance that the English language will transform into ths????
I don't see how anybody can take chat talk so seriously. By habit, I spell words the long way and usually with no abbreviations. Do chat writers come to use their "lingo" by habit??
Sorry, I can't help but type normally now...
Realistically, is there a chance that the English language will transform into ths????
I don't see how anybody can take chat talk so seriously. By habit, I spell words the long way and usually with no abbreviations. Do chat writers come to use their "lingo" by habit??
This was also very common among Mediavel monks, who abbrevated all the Latin words they wrote (parchment was expensive) to such an extent that today you often need to a special course to decipher their writings.
Really? A course for deciphering writing that was abbreviated???
That makes sense unless one of the reasons these Monks abbreviated these words was to make their reading/writing more simple. If they made it simple for their purposes isn't it ironic that these scripts are difficult to understand now?? X-ing out the factor that these words are in Latin.
That makes sense unless one of the reasons these Monks abbreviated these words was to make their reading/writing more simple. If they made it simple for their purposes isn't it ironic that these scripts are difficult to understand now?? X-ing out the factor that these words are in Latin.
In my opinion, writing in "Chat" takes more effort than writing regularly, except for a couple common phrases.
brb = Be right back
u = You
ppl = People
ffr = "For friggin' reals"
g2g = Got to go
s2pd = (My own personal creation) Stupid
ur = You're, Your
wtf = What the - -
brb = Be right back
u = You
ppl = People
ffr = "For friggin' reals"
g2g = Got to go
s2pd = (My own personal creation) Stupid
ur = You're, Your
wtf = What the - -
I respect the need to abbreviate some words every once in a while however I too think that CHAT "talk" is a bad habit that won't "take over the world." Honestly, can you imagine the George Bush passing out Honors certificates with " I like 2 apreci8 ______ 4 her Xcellent per4mance. thnnx."???
Well actually, seeing the things Bush has done in the past I wouldnt put it past him.
Imagine how enraged the Egyptians became when those vulgar Phoenicians started to write with signs for each sound instead of those noble, beautiful rebus-esque hieroglyphs!