"here is my spunky paper "
what does "spunky" mean? I tried dictionary.com and it made it even harder
what does "spunky" mean? I tried dictionary.com and it made it even harder
"here is my spunky paper "
what does "spunky" mean? I tried dictionary.com and it made it even harder
Stan, get a life. We're in 2006 and not in 92.
Chris, thnx Guest, in an email
Okay. Well, maybe they were joking. "Spunky" can't be used to describe an inanimate object.
Actually, I take that back. Before I was thinking of a _sheet_ of paper, but now I realize that it's more likely a written work that they're referring to. Is that right? In that case, a "spunky paper" would be a piece of writing that gives you the impression the writer is energetic.
"but now I realize that it's more likely a written work that they're referring to. Is that right?"
Yupe. It was a paper about Katrina. Could you gimme more examples as to how to use this word?
Well, usually people are spunky, and for some reason it's applied more often to girls or children. It's sort of a light-hearted word. "She was a spunky barrel-racer from Colorado" or "she had a spunky attitude".
The original meaning of "spunk" seems to have died out almost completely in Britain. The word is only really used as a slang word for semen and any mention of someone being "spunky", in american or aussie soaps, makes young Brits giggle.
True, true...
No, Rick, "spunk" is a slang term for semen here as well. Context is everything....
And that should be Stan's cue to tell us that we are all degenerate perverts who are going to hell.