French people should abandon French and learn English!
.......because English has ransacked French and already taken all the best words. Consider for example these words and phrases absorbed into English from modern French..
Restaurant, cafe, reservoir, debut, debutante, camoflage, à la carte, art déco, au naturel, au pair, bon appétit, bon voyage, critique, cuisine, eau de toilette, en bloc, force majeure, genre, haute couture, faux pas, déjà vu, coup de grâce, de rigueur, double entendre, femme fatale, laissez-faire, nom de plume, nouveau riche, papier mâché, petite, pièce de résistance, protégé, raison d'être, souvenir etc, etc......... in fact, by the time you've taken all the modern words and added those from Norman French, the only bits left are those that wouldn't be missed anyway!!
It's called Franglais. It's all the rage from London to Paris!
it will be easy to learn only one languages
I thionk the best language is a mix of English, French and Spanish!
Let's just see how stupid Bolton will be at Upton Park.........
« Norman French » : encore une fois, cette expression n'a aucun sens. C'est comme si on disait (en parlant de langues) « espagnol catalan », « belge wallon », « allemand bas-saxon » ou encore « russe ukrainien»...
>>encore une fois<<
Maybe if you spoke English, like everyone else, and abandoned your pathetic attempt to reanimate the linguistic power of your filfthy latin destilate... you wouldn't need to repeat yourself.Greg.
>> filfthy latin destilate<<
Wow... I'm surprised someone would say that.
« Guest » : encore une fois tu n'es pas obligé de me lire, p'tite tête...
>>French people should abandon French and learn English!<<
Why should peeple abandon their language for the sake of lerning English?
Let the languages mix.
Just because a language "borrows" words from another doesn't mean the language should be forsaken like some fad.
Ut solent hoc anni tempore, acta menstrua "Forbes" modo divulgaverunt indicem actualem hominum divitissimorum orbis terrarum, quorum scilicet res familiares plus quam miliardo dollariorum Americanorum emetiantur. Sicut in praeteritorum 11 annorum, hornotini indicis palmam tenet Bill Gates, conditor societatis Microsoft, cum 50 miliardis USD divitiarum suarum. Notanda est invasio miliardariorum ex Asia oriundorum, adhuc in agminibus novissimis indicis versantium.
Index nititur vi pretiorum syngrapharum, quas miliardarii nomine suo proprio die 13 Februarii possidebant, in dollaria Americanorum, ubi necesse sit, translata. Hoc anno 793 miliardarii in mundo inventi sunt, 102 plures quam praeterito. Eorum divitiae summatim aequuntur 2.6 bilionis USD, 18% plus effectui anni 2005 comparatis.
Translation: As usually, a journal divulged the index of the richest people in the world, obviously their wealth is more than a billion of dollar.
in the 11 last years the winner was bill gates, the founder of microsoft. with his wealth exstimed around to 50 billions of USD. Has to be noted the invasion of the billionaries from eastern asia.
Can i ask what this latin text has to do with the post??????
What? The French should abandon their language and adopt latin