Makka sounds much cooler than Mekka.
Les noms de villes étrangères dans votre langue
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Romanian language has the word "beci" (becs) too... But the meaning in Romanian is different. It means "underground, vault but also prison, jail"... It has unknown origins but some claim it to be of an archaic, pre-latin origin. Some others claim it to come from Slavic "Betchisnik", meaning "weak, retarded", which I guess should be closer to the truth.
Romanian language has the word "beci" (becs) too... But the meaning in Romanian is different. It means "underground, vault but also prison, jail"... It has unknown origins but some claim it to be of an archaic, pre-latin origin. Some others claim it to come from Slavic "Betchisnik", meaning "weak, retarded", which I guess should be closer to the truth.
Londres — London — londra (It) - Londra (Ro)
Malines — Mechelen - Mechelen (Ro)
Moscou — Москва — Mosca (It) - Moscova (Ro)
Padoue — Padova - Padova (Ro)
Prague — Praha — Praga (It) - Praga (Ro)
Syracuse — Siracusa - Siracuza (Ro)
Varsovie — Warszawa — Varsavia (It) - Varşovia (Ro)
Vienne — Wien — Vienna - Viena (Ro)
Ms of the others are used in their native language.
Londres — London — londra (It) - Londra (Ro)
Malines — Mechelen - Mechelen (Ro)
Moscou — Москва — Mosca (It) - Moscova (Ro)
Padoue — Padova - Padova (Ro)
Prague — Praha — Praga (It) - Praga (Ro)
Syracuse — Siracusa - Siracuza (Ro)
Varsovie — Warszawa — Varsavia (It) - Varşovia (Ro)
Vienne — Wien — Vienna - Viena (Ro)
Ms of the others are used in their native language.
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