question about British and American accents
I so love the excuses made here. They can be made by either side. I am not claiming Americans are better educated than Europeans. Far from it. But as you said yourself, educated and non-educated people exist in every country. It is a fact of life.
Majority or minority? Please interview the majority or minority before claiming that they are educated or not.
You don't need to conduct interviews of either majority or minority. Just see how Tony Blair talks or GWB. The difference is crystal-clear for everyone to see. No hard feelings. :-)
<<I'm sure no one here has figured out that they edit out the people who give correct answers in favor of just showing the people that makes fools of themselves. >>
You beat me to it, Tiffany!
How many people with the RIGHT answers didn't make it onto the air?
Those shows are all about embarrassing people -- and why do we find those shows funny? Because most of the audience members DO KNOW the answers! That's why they're laughing at the morons! A show that tried to get the average man on the street to flub questions on particle physics wouldn't really be funny, because we'd ALL be sitting around going, Hell, I don't know a meson from a charm quark either....
It doesn't really matter if you know all the capitals of all the countries of Europe. Geography isn't very useful to the average person, except in showing people that you know some random facts.
also, a lot of the people on shows like Jay Leno are nervous in front of the camera so they blurt whatever dumb answer comes to mind first.
>>Geography isn't very useful to the average person, except in showing people that you know some random facts. <<
And Trivial Pursuit!