Jim Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:40 am GMT
<our>: I'm not rhotic why should I be?
Oops, so sorry, Jim; I accidentally had you confused with JJM! My fault! But you know, as far as that rhotic thing goes, keep working in it -- you were making a good start... I mean, starrrt... ;)
English Spelling Reform UNACCEPTABLE
Inglish Spelling Rif'form UNNUK'SEPTUBUL
Models New spelling Old spelling
-a- kat cat
-ai- dait, vain, wait date, vein, weight
-ay pray, slay, dhay prey, sleigh, they
eh/-e- eh, bred, swet, helth, eh, bread, sweat,
leggussy health, legacy
-e/-ee-/-e- se, meet, deel, legul sea, meat,
deal, legal
-i- biznis, bizzy, sitty business, busy,
-ei-/-ye/-i- beit, hye, skye, ikon bite, high, sky, icon
-o- cof, coffy, oppra cough,
coffee, opera
-o/-oe/-oa- /-o- slo, joey, noat, mobul/ slow, joey,
mobeil note, mobile
-uh/-u- duk, dukkling, ruf duck,
duckling, rough
-yoo/-eu/-ew nyoo, heuj, mennew new, huge, menu
-u/-oo- broot, root, woom brute, route, womb
-uu- buuk, wuulf, wuumun book, wolf, woman
-ow/-ou- plow, dhow, doun plough, thou, down
-oy/-oi- toy, koin boy, coin
-aw/-au- law, caut, thaut law, caught, thought
-ah/-a/-aa- ah, la, caat, thaat ah, law,
caught, thought
Chaps, what do you think about this?
All we can do is to reduce the number of exceptions.
>>Different people have proposed alternative schemes for simplifying our spelling over the years, but what they all agree is that SOMETHING has to be done about it. There are roughly 3,500 words that are irregular, but if even the 500 most commonly misspelled words were simplified, it would have a big impact on how quickly people learn to read and write: we wouldn't have to put up with 1 in 5 people not coping and 1 in 5 adults not being able to read and write.<<
"but American spelling is a little more up-to-date a"
How? By writing horrific words such as "thru" instead of "through"?
Adam can spell. Get the Champaign.
>>How? By writing horrific words such as "thru" instead of "through"?<<
As long as peeple distinguish "threw" and "thru" orthographically, no problem.
Rick Johnson: "anyone who thinks that American spelling is more progressive and goes against the grain of British Orthodoxy consider these spellings..."
Here is what Wikipedia's saying on the very same issue:
"Some of the changes in American spelling ... involved the restoration of "etymologically correct" Latin (or Greek) spellings, often to words which English had borrowed from French (or indirectly, Greek) .
Wikipedia: American and British English spelling differences:
When I see 'color' I see it as a Spanish word and want to give it a Spanish spronunciation.
Well done!
[url=http://jjwdlwlb.com/fcbb/aimm.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://hphpgftk.com/dtmq/pvrb.html]Cool site[/url]
Nice site!
<a href="http://jjwdlwlb.com/fcbb/aimm.html">My homepage</a> | <a href="http://texwynkx.com/qgtu/rzlg.html">Please visit</a>
Here's my recommendation on what to do about English spelling reform:
Do nothing.
And Zen Z Drem Vil Finali Kum Tru...