Here is a spelling reform system that I recently invented:
b - /b/ - boat
ch - /tS/ - chair
d - /d/ - door
f - /f/ - fish, fry, fire
g - /g/ - gold, goat
h - /h/ - house
j - /dZ/ - jam, jelly
k - /k/ - cat, kitchen
kh - /x/ - loch
l - /l/ - linger, link, live
m - /m/ - mat, machine
n - /n/ - near, night
p - /p/ - pipe
r - /r/ - rat, rack
s - /s/ - siren
sh - /S/ - shine
t - /t/ - tire
þ - /T/ - think
v - /v/ - vent
w - /w/ - wind
y - /j/ - yes
z - /z/ - zoo
zh /Z/ - vision
ŋ - /N/ - sing, sink, think, finger, singer - i.e. <feeŋgɚ> vs. <seeŋɚ>
þ - /T/ - think
ð - /D/ - then, that, father
ł - /5/ - fill, still, bill, build, mildew, bell, pool
ɹ (semivocalic /r/) - card, board, shore, beer, appear, hair, far, for, nor,
tour, fair, fear
đ - /4/
a - /{/ - bag
e - /E/ - fed, bed
i - /I/ - sip, dip
o - /Q/ - cot, hot
u - /V/ - cup
ae - /eI/ - date
ee - /i/ - seed
ie - /aI/ - strike
oe - /oU/ - folk
ue - /ju/ - mute, beautiful, cue, few
aa - /A/ - father, psalm, balm, calm
oa - /o@/ - hoarse, board, shore, four, court, more, store, explore, galore, door, floor
oo - /u/ - mood, brood, rude, crude, moo, lute
uu - /U/ - wood, should, could
oi - /oI/ - boil, coin
ao - /e@/ - fair, stair, spare, rare, care, impair
eo - /I@/ - fear, steer, clear, appear, rear, beer, ear
uo - /U@/ - tour
au - /O/ - caught, law, saw, corn, morning, for, short, bought, horse, war, warn, haught, fought
eu - /3/
ou - /aU/ - brown, sound
ə - /@/ - arrest, around, ahead, again
ɚ - /@`/ - center, better, winter, inventor
ɝ - /3`/ - bird, fern, worm, burn, turn, furry
ų - syllabic consonants,
ųł - /5=/
ųn - /n=/
Other symbol
‡ (used to avoid confusion with diagraphs, as in ''lighthouse'' which becomes ''liet‡hous''.
b - /b/ - boat
ch - /tS/ - chair
d - /d/ - door
f - /f/ - fish, fry, fire
g - /g/ - gold, goat
h - /h/ - house
j - /dZ/ - jam, jelly
k - /k/ - cat, kitchen
kh - /x/ - loch
l - /l/ - linger, link, live
m - /m/ - mat, machine
n - /n/ - near, night
p - /p/ - pipe
r - /r/ - rat, rack
s - /s/ - siren
sh - /S/ - shine
t - /t/ - tire
þ - /T/ - think
v - /v/ - vent
w - /w/ - wind
y - /j/ - yes
z - /z/ - zoo
zh /Z/ - vision
ŋ - /N/ - sing, sink, think, finger, singer - i.e. <feeŋgɚ> vs. <seeŋɚ>
þ - /T/ - think
ð - /D/ - then, that, father
ł - /5/ - fill, still, bill, build, mildew, bell, pool
ɹ (semivocalic /r/) - card, board, shore, beer, appear, hair, far, for, nor,
tour, fair, fear
đ - /4/
a - /{/ - bag
e - /E/ - fed, bed
i - /I/ - sip, dip
o - /Q/ - cot, hot
u - /V/ - cup
ae - /eI/ - date
ee - /i/ - seed
ie - /aI/ - strike
oe - /oU/ - folk
ue - /ju/ - mute, beautiful, cue, few
aa - /A/ - father, psalm, balm, calm
oa - /o@/ - hoarse, board, shore, four, court, more, store, explore, galore, door, floor
oo - /u/ - mood, brood, rude, crude, moo, lute
uu - /U/ - wood, should, could
oi - /oI/ - boil, coin
ao - /e@/ - fair, stair, spare, rare, care, impair
eo - /I@/ - fear, steer, clear, appear, rear, beer, ear
uo - /U@/ - tour
au - /O/ - caught, law, saw, corn, morning, for, short, bought, horse, war, warn, haught, fought
eu - /3/
ou - /aU/ - brown, sound
ə - /@/ - arrest, around, ahead, again
ɚ - /@`/ - center, better, winter, inventor
ɝ - /3`/ - bird, fern, worm, burn, turn, furry
ų - syllabic consonants,
ųł - /5=/
ųn - /n=/
Other symbol
‡ (used to avoid confusion with diagraphs, as in ''lighthouse'' which becomes ''liet‡hous''.