Irish Guy, you should rename your self Irish Adam
Angry Chirac leaves EU summit as Frenchman speaks English.
<<What is Welsh like?
Far different from English?? >>
Completely different language, lu. They're not even vaguely close to each other.
Far different from English?? >>
Completely different language, lu. They're not even vaguely close to each other.
"Irish Guy, you should rename your self Irish Adam"
I'll take that into consideration but again it was only a remark intended for Adam. He is the most annoying troll I've met from any forum.
I'll take that into consideration but again it was only a remark intended for Adam. He is the most annoying troll I've met from any forum.
Adam : « I know someone who went into a shop in Wales and the shopkeeper spoke in English to all the Welsh customers who were served before him. But when it was his turn to be served, the shopkeeper spoke to him in Welsh. »
Ce quelqu'un ne serait pas... Adam, par le plus grand des hasards ?
Ce quelqu'un ne serait pas... Adam, par le plus grand des hasards ?
Ah, Irish Guy, don't let that pri--person turn you into something just as bad. And sadly, I've seen much worse trolls....
I believe it may be too late. I've started consulting the history books and the hatred is building up inside. My skin is turning green and my muscles are bursting out from under my clothes. I'm so aaaannnnggggrrrryyyy!!!
All this new national pride and hatred for all things foreign is emanating from every pore. Ahhhh! I'm turning into Adam. C'mon Bolton.,
All this new national pride and hatred for all things foreign is emanating from every pore. Ahhhh! I'm turning into Adam. C'mon Bolton.,
Oh, dear, I was afraid of that! Irish Guy has now turned into ... the Jolly Green Giant! He will be forcefeeding us peas and carrots! Run for your lives!
Oops, sorry; wrong big green guy. Whew! I was fearing a mixed onslaught of Irish nationalism and broccoli.
Well Ill join you in that Anti-Lancashireness. No one knows more about hating Lancashire (ie. Adam's people) than us Yorkshiremen.
You turn into the Hulk if you like Irish Guy :) I take back my comments as long as you play nice!
You turn into the Hulk if you like Irish Guy :) I take back my comments as long as you play nice!
I don't se what is the problem to be in a minority.
As i noticed USA and UK aren't very wel appreciated in a lot of countries. For sure, it is not the minority which does not like you.
If your country is a slave, that is your problem.
As i noticed USA and UK aren't very wel appreciated in a lot of countries. For sure, it is not the minority which does not like you.
If your country is a slave, that is your problem.
British National Party.
We aim to free Britain from oppressive foreign control.
We aim to free Britain from oppressive foreign control.