"Can't I pronounce BURY to rhyme it with CURRY?" - guest
Do whatever you want, no one will stop you.
Do whatever you want, no one will stop you.
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"Can't I pronounce BURY to rhyme it with CURRY?" - guest
Do whatever you want, no one will stop you.
''A pronunciation \mis-'chE-vE-&s\ and a consequent spelling mischievious are of long standing: evidence for the spelling goes back to the 16th century. Our pronunciation files contain modern attestations ranging from dialect speakers to Herbert Hoover. '' [webster dic]
The best american accent I have ever heard and I would without
doubt classify as ORIGINAL AMERICAN ACCENT is MARIA SHARAPOVA ACCENT. For those who really wanna delve into american accent they should listen to Maria Sharapova as much as possible. Tape her and repeat her...again and again.. This is standard american INGLISH. Thank you
I have received at least 2000 emails about the problem of
pharingelization and spirintalization of the South London accent. A very good book on that is written by Wallis in about 1670.
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