
TicTacToe   Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:12 pm GMT
The incident seemed like so many others from this war, the kind of tragedy that has become numbingly routine amid the daily reports of violence in Iraq. On the morning of Nov. 19, 2005, a roadside bomb struck a humvee carrying Marines from Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, on a road near Haditha, a restive town in western Iraq. The bomb killed Lance Corporal Miguel (T.J.) Terrazas, 20, from El Paso, Texas. The next day a Marine communiqué from Camp Blue Diamond in Ramadi reported that Terrazas and 15 Iraqi civilians were killed by the blast and that "gunmen attacked the convoy with small-arms fire," prompting the Marines to return fire, killing eight insurgents and wounding one other. The Marines from Kilo Company held a memorial service for Terrazas at their camp in Haditha. They wrote messages like "T.J., you were a great friend. I'm going to miss seeing you around" on smooth stones and piled them in a funeral mound. And the war moved on.

But the details of what happened that morning in Haditha are more disturbing, disputed and horrific than the military initially reported. According to eyewitnesses and local officials interviewed over the past 10 weeks, the civilians who died in Haditha on Nov. 19 were killed not by a roadside bomb but by the Marines themselves, who went on a rampage in the village after the attack, killing 15 unarmed Iraqis in their homes, including seven women and three children. Human-rights activists say that if the accusations are true, the incident ranks as the worst case of deliberate killing of Iraqi civilians by U.S. service members since the war began.
Guest   Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:52 pm GMT
<<civilians who died in Haditha on Nov. 19 were killed not by a roadside bomb but by the Marines themselves, who went on a rampage in the village after the attack, killing 15 unarmed Iraqis in their homes, including seven women and three children.>>

Did you see this in your crystal ball? What kind of crystal was it? Because if it's Swarovski, I might give these insinuations of yours a second thought.
Army brat   Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:20 am GMT
You know what Tictactoe, this is a forum for people who want to learn english.

Stop beating on the troops who are doing their jobs. Most of them are good men and women who are in a really bad place and have been let down by the people who have control over their lives. They will have had various reasons for joining the military. Maybe it was for the money, the pension at the end, the career prospects, a feeling of patriotism, a dream of protecting their ideals of freedom, or maybe it was something else but they didn't ask to be sent to Iraq. Maybe they felt taking away a dictatorship was a good thing, maybe they believed that everyone deserved to live in the relative freedom of a democracy, maybe they believed that the threat of weapons of mass distruction was real or maybe they were just following orders. It doesn't matter because when they got there, they were ill-equipped and ill-prepared. As many soldiers are coming back from the war with psychological problems as a result of seeing their buddies blown to pieces as are coming back with physical injuries or in a body bag. The politicians sent the soldiers there and this war is political so if you want to stop it you have to oppose the politicians. the soldiers are being used by the politicians as pawns, "hey if something doesn't go our way we can always blames the squaddies. Spread a rumour or two about their inhumanity." The soldiers don't need people calling them baby killers, you thing they haven't seen enough shit to know that this war is going to hell in a hand basket? They know that everyday innocent people die and they can't stop it. My uncle is posted in Afganistan and not so long ago a solidier blew his own brains out because he couldn't live with the things he had seen. I read in the paper that another soldier jumped of a bridge at home just a year after he got back from the war because he couldn't live with the memory of seeing his best friend and other members of his squad blown to pieces. War is shit but the people who give soldiers shit and spread nasty rumours are as bad as the politicians who start wars.
Guest   Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:34 am GMT
Army brat is probbaly right. TicTacToe, you are depressed after reading such grim political news so please stop reading such news b/c if you want to live sanely in this world then you have to do it. People are full of shit, they love themselves first and this is the only reason of bredding wars and terrorism everywhere. I wish I had been an animal than a human being because i feel i am a burden on this planet as a human.

americans chose Bush again second time even after witnessing his war crimes - that says a lot about the general thinking of the majority of Americans towards this ongoing war and future war against Iran....the list is never ending...

I don't know whom I should blame for this whole bloody mess... probabaly al qaeda... no terrorist attacks.. no wars.. no waste of lives...
greg   Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:25 am GMT
Army brat : « Most of them are good men and women (...) »
*TOUS* savaient que les Nations-Unies ne cautionnaient pas l'invasion sanguinaire de l'Iraq et le massacre de sa population.

Guest : « I don't know whom I should blame for this whole bloody mess... probabaly al qaeda... »
Non. Plus probablement le 'président' des États-Unis en fonction en 2003.
Guest   Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:31 am GMT
It was clearly initiated by the UN for their "weapons inspections", "food for oil" sanctions and other such shenanigans.