
abc   Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:13 am GMT gives:
"5- often Scout:
A member of the Boy Scouts.
A member of the Girl Scouts. "
as one of the meanings of that word. But what's a boy or girl scout?
Guest   Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:45 am GMT
They're organizations that children can join. They do things like camping and going door to door selling cookies.
Biscuit   Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:49 am GMT
The Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides.
abc   Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:15 am GMT
lu   Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:19 am GMT
Does it only exsist in US??
AndyJ   Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:35 am GMT
Scouting is an international movement originally founded by Robert Baden Powell (Lord Baden Powell) in England. Originally an organisation for teenage boys (and called The Boy Scouts), it was extended to younger boys with the Wolf Cubs which then became known as the Cub Scouts and to teenage girls with (in Britain at least) the Girl Guides and then to younger girls with the Brownies. In other countries (such as the USA?) the girls' organisation may be known as the Girl Scouts and in some countries there is a single organisation for both Boys and Girls. In the UK now girls are able to join the Cubs and Scouts although I have no idea whether that then meant that boys were able to join the Guides/Brownies, although it seems not.

In Britain there was a group for older teens/young adults called Venture Scouts which I understand is now known as Explorer Scouts and a section with maritime connections called the Sea Scouts and with aeronautical connections called the air scouts. There have been further extensions to younger children with Beaver Scouts (boys and girls) and Rainbows (girls).