can you guys think of any such words?
like "auto-mobile"---->"auto"
like "auto-mobile"---->"auto"
a 2-word word becomes a 1-word word
can you guys think of any such words?
like "auto-mobile"---->"auto" thnx
Are you talking about shortened versions of words? "Automobile" (which is one word, not two) > "auto" is one such example. Another is "facsimile" > "fax" or "pantaloons" > "pants."
This is another one for the "Only in America..." file. Why not just say "car" like the rest of us?
<<Why not just say "car" like the rest of us?>>
Huh? No one ever said Americans don't say 'car'--in fact that's the most normal word for it. And even if the normal word were 'auto'--who cares?
The only time I heard the word "Automobile" used is either by the older Generation or in some parts of the south.
English is full of single words that resulted from the merging of two.
eg 1 Break + fast = breakfast 2 After + noon = afternoon I've just had No 1 and it's now getting on for No 2. Loads and loads of others if you have the time to dredge them all up.
I always thought Americans said Auto-mobile, that was because they said it on Seaseme street. another thing about that programme was that when ever they spun a globe it always stopped on America! what are the odds!, Do they still make that programme? The Count was my favorite,
They still make it, and "car" is the most commonly used term in America by far. To me, "automobile" sounds more formal in a way.