Singer and finger- Do they rhyme?

Rick Johnson   Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:35 pm GMT
I was just reading something by professor of phonetics, John Wells, who states that:

"If we take the word singer, one who sings, we see that for most of us the stem-final [g] was lost just as in sing itself. But in finger, on the other hand, where the [g] is in the middle of a stem, it remains. Hence for most speakers singer [?s???] and finger [?f??g?] do not rhyme. But in the local speech of Liverpool and Manchester they do, because in [?s??g?] we get just the same sequence as in [?f??g?]. The same thing applies if we compare kingly with singly, which rhyme in Manchester but not in London or Los Angeles."

Being from Manchester these always rhyme for me. Can someone confirm if what John Wells says is true and that these words don't rhyme elsewhere.
Lazar   Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:56 pm GMT
These words don't rhyme for me:

singer - ["sIN@`]
finger - ["fINg@`]

Although there are some people here in the Northeast U.S. for whom those words do rhyme. My mother, for instance, would rhyme those words as:

singer - ["sINg@(`)]
finger - ["fINg@(`)]

In her speech, [N] is always accompanied by an audible plosive [g], so she would pronounce "king", for instance, as ["k_hINg], whereas I would say ["k_hIN].
Uriel   Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:28 am GMT
They don't rhyme for me. I tend to give the G in "finger" its full value, but gloss over it in "singer".
Guest   Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:49 pm GMT
This reminds me of how some people pronounce the "g" fully in "everythinG" and "anythinG" so that it's often perceived and ridiculed as "everythinK" and "anythinK".
o.O...??   Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:52 pm GMT
You are all faggots, and you know it!

>.< suck monkey nuts..NOW!
g's rule   Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:10 pm GMT
so why does "faggot" rhyme with "bag it"? one g versus two g's...i don't get it. or am i saying it wrong?? is it french and pronouced like the end of "cargo"? [fag o']
Guest   Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:52 am GMT
"Singer and finger- Do they rhyme?"

They do for Liverpudlians, who ignore pronunciation guides.
Gabe   Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:28 pm GMT
for me they do i say the g in singer, it just depends on where you live, i live in sacramento california and most of the people here say sacrameno compared to other people from somewhere else who say sacramento.