Whew, it is really good to be back! Hey Tom! I don't know who else is in here...I mean from years back, Clark and MJD....
Well, right now I am in the middle of improving my Italian proficiency. My accent is not that bad and I don't have any proplems with pronunciation neither do I with enunciation. I may still need to work on advanced grammar topics but my main problem is I am not all coherent speaking Italian. I am just wondering if anyone know of some good tips regarding this.
Whew, it is really good to be back! Hey Tom! I don't know who else is in here...I mean from years back, Clark and MJD....
Well, right now I am in the middle of improving my Italian proficiency. My accent is not that bad and I don't have any proplems with pronunciation neither do I with enunciation. I may still need to work on advanced grammar topics but my main problem is I am not all coherent speaking Italian. I am just wondering if anyone know of some good tips regarding this.