(Read from http://www.fiat.org/bbs/zboard.php?id=Veritas&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=21)
"Young people today aim at one thing only, to give all or nothing.
And this is one of the reasons why I have accepted to come here because I hope that all people, the young men and women who will be
involved in Gandhiji's work,will dedicate their lives to spread
the gift of God that was given to Gandhiji--- that love for his people,
love for non-violence."
I don't understand the first sentence. Is it saying that "The only aim for young people today is to give all or nothing."? And, what does "to give all or nothing" mean here? Is it saying that "Young people either give all or give nothing"?
"Young people today aim at one thing only, to give all or nothing.
And this is one of the reasons why I have accepted to come here because I hope that all people, the young men and women who will be
involved in Gandhiji's work,will dedicate their lives to spread
the gift of God that was given to Gandhiji--- that love for his people,
love for non-violence."
I don't understand the first sentence. Is it saying that "The only aim for young people today is to give all or nothing."? And, what does "to give all or nothing" mean here? Is it saying that "Young people either give all or give nothing"?