Hehehe, it seems I'm really getting interested finding out what happened here!
>>Tell me if I'm wrong but I find your comments (and from other) as discriminating and repressive as the ones you criticise. It seems some would like to start a witch hunt against latin language speakers because there are "too much" around here. <<
As far as I can see, the people I 'criticise' haven't got many respect here, just look at Travis' post.Do you indentify with these people who have, and I quote, "completely runn over the place scaring off most of the other users in the process" ?
I do not wish to generalise, but I think typical attitudes of these internet Latin trolls are the following.They seem to:
- hate or have a strong disliking of English or Anglophone nations.
- strong disliking of other, especially Germanic, languages other than the Romance group.
- Extreme 'love'/obsession with Romance languages*
* ie. if he or she would post a message in one of this forums many "which languages do you like best" topics, it would be a list of all romance languages.And he or she would attack anyone who did not post a romance language first.
I did a google search of the site and I came along with a post made by 'Aldo' .As you wrote, "I don't like to sound resentful but things calmed down once he left the forum", it would seem you and him are the same person.
Aldo Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:39 pm GMT
All languages are important but the best part of English is its simplicity. Tenses are simple, articles and adjetives have no gender, lots of words of romance and Greek origin, verbs are very regular and conjugations are quite easy maybe too much and make a mistake is easy too
I think that's the reason why English is very extended worldwide and used like a bridge to interchange information between people who speak other languages. That's what I love of it.
And that has nothing to do with the "POWER" of any country !!!!
You seem like an intelligent person, so why would you denigrate English grammar and deny that English' main source of 'power' is the fact that the 2 main superpowers of the 20th century were English speaking?
You also wrote:
>>He never said it but it was way clear for everybody.<<
I can't find much of you (Aldo) in the archives, are you an actual forum regular?
Well, we could actually test that 'everybody' statement of yours :-)
Brennus, Candy and Travis, do you think this Sander hated Romance languages? Or better yet, how would you describe him?
(I know this must sound very odd for all of you, having a complete stranger ask you all this.But I'm just really fascinated by this site.It feels like I'm some kind of 'Online Archaeologist':-)