is it "oui" or "si" ? I've heard both ? No ?
"yes" in French
Asi es Brennus, soy Mexicano, tienes razón en la expresión "Nop" en Español (MX) = Nope en Inglés (US), pienso que "Sip" es una expresión usada en mas de un país en Iberoamérica, aunque no creo que en todos; y su equivalente en Inglés es tal como lo mencionaste "Yeah".
Pienso que el "Oueh" que escuchaste es la pronunciación oral de la expresión escrita "Ouais" ¿greg podrías por favor confirmar o desmintir eso?
Oh my, Bobby's bound to be a confused little copper by now.
Right, here's the thing:
Geoff_One is partially correct in that "si is an emphatic yes".
Here's an example to illustrate the usage of "si":
"So Bobby's not fit for patrol duties anymore, is he?"
You could either reply with:
"OUI, that's true, he's not fit anymore."
"SI! Of course he's still fit! I see him on the beat everyday!"
In essense, "si" is a "positive negation", if ever there was such a thing.
Right, here's the thing:
Geoff_One is partially correct in that "si is an emphatic yes".
Here's an example to illustrate the usage of "si":
"So Bobby's not fit for patrol duties anymore, is he?"
You could either reply with:
"OUI, that's true, he's not fit anymore."
"SI! Of course he's still fit! I see him on the beat everyday!"
In essense, "si" is a "positive negation", if ever there was such a thing.
"Si" also means "if", c'est vrai, but that's like how "can" means either "to be able to" and "a tin of food" in English.
Las pronunciaciones de <ouais> y <oueh> son (muy verosímilamente) identicas : [wE]. Pero no hay visto <oueh> en mi vida entera. Sin embargo, esa ortografía se puede ser.
<<I've heard "Ouais" and "Oueh" used before in French Canadian movies.>>
Ouais et ouin.
Ouais et ouin.
Bobby : de la même manière, on se fout totalement de ta question. C'est le débat qui s'ensuit qui est intéressant.
Merci greg, j'avais pensé aussi la même chose. Bobby : comme igreg a dit ; ce qui est intéressant c'est le débat, non ta question.
Et en plus, certains de nous ont répondu à ta question. Cela c'est assez, non? Sois content.