You guys are squabbling over semantics.
Pax vobiscum!
Pax vobiscum!
English- what is it really?
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>>Et moi je pensais que les propos idiots tenus par des ignorants n'étaient pas permis non plus. <<
That'd be hitting two birds with one stone if we enforced refusal of idiotic subjects and foreign languages.
If we let nature have its way then there should be no rules put up on the website in the first place. Rules are rules. They have to be followed properly. This is an English forum and all posts should be written in English. The problem with greg's posts is that he doesn't provide a translation to its French posts. If that is too much of work for him then he should stick with English only, otherwise stop writing in French. Also, there is no point of having a forum when only a handful of people can understand views of certain users. I always wanted to read his views on several topics but I couldn't because they were not written in English.
If his pride is going to be hurt when he writes in English then one word for him: not to share his views. This is certainly true for other similar wannabes too. So guys respect the rules!!!
Also not to mention of watching my new movie at theaters. I deserve to advertise my film after giving my honest comments on the topic.
It's no use protesting over the lack of translations! Two sayings come to mind on this one - "flogging a dead horse" and "banging your head against a brick wall".
Let it all's of no consequence. Il n'importe pas.
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