srong or weak
i know that the article "a" have too different pronunciations,the strong from like the sound of "a "in "take", and the weak from like the sound of "a "in "ago".
i want to know how to use the two forms in spoken english?
thank you.
The "a" when stressed is /e/, and when unstressed is /@/, like you said. At least here, the normal version that is used is the unstressed version, and normally just introduces things into the conversation or marks things as being singular and indefinite in nature, and the stressed version is primarily only used for emphasis, but the emphasis is not on the word being qualified as much as the word "a" itself, often with the implication that "a" is being used to mean "some specific <thing>".
The "e" at the end of a word changes the way the letter is pronounced e.g. mat becomes mAte.
Ah, "Short-A" and "Long-A".
i want to know if the pronunciation of the article "a" is influnenced dy the vowel next to it?
1.<english corners are /e/ great way to improve spoken english for students .>
2.<i have /@/ question.>