i would like an irish accent 2 because it is cool
I wanna speak Irish accent
OK speakin down ere from essex yahooo i like irisd accent okay yororoor Sottish tha best okay yoorororororo yahoo look down yiepy i like clover mayonaise hihhihiihihihihihi riverdance lol hahhaha kkkkkkkkkkkk "i would like to have an irish accent 2 because it is cool" stupid people anywayzzzzzzzzzzz i am irish, scottish, bangladeshi, chineese mixed okay do not forget yororororooororooror.
PS got to: www.iwant2speakirish.co.uk well good website i found for u guys not gurlz okay not for gurlz. let me tell u 1 more time not for Gurlzzzzzzzz and dont forget yorororoorororrorororroro.
OK speakin down ere from essex yahooo i like irisd accent okay yororoor Sottish tha best okay yoorororororo yahoo look down yiepy i like clover mayonaise hihhihiihihihihihi riverdance lol hahhaha kkkkkkkkkkkk "i would like to have an irish accent 2 because it is cool" stupid people anywayzzzzzzzzzzz i am irish, scottish, bangladeshi, chineese mixed okay do not forget yororororooororooror.
PS got to: www.iwant2speakirish.co.uk well good website i found for u guys not gurlz okay not for gurlz. let me tell u 1 more time not for Gurlzzzzzzzz and dont forget yorororoorororrorororroro.
The people best at changing their accents are the irish, scousers and people from southport!!! LOL! i know loads of people from the southport area who are great at changing there accents!
I love doing irish, welsh, brumy, scouse, american, or aussie but the geordie accent one of my favourites... i cant do well at all man... (when thinking of the geordie accent why does Byker Grove always come into it!? lol
Americans are absolute crap at doing accents they can only do a posh southern accent... well sorry USA we dont all talk like that! (they make us sound like snobs!)... well suppose we can be due to our high standards! lol
I would love to see and american do a scouse accent or a brummy.... our accents are the best in the UK the rest suck big style!
I love doing irish, welsh, brumy, scouse, american, or aussie but the geordie accent one of my favourites... i cant do well at all man... (when thinking of the geordie accent why does Byker Grove always come into it!? lol
Americans are absolute crap at doing accents they can only do a posh southern accent... well sorry USA we dont all talk like that! (they make us sound like snobs!)... well suppose we can be due to our high standards! lol
I would love to see and american do a scouse accent or a brummy.... our accents are the best in the UK the rest suck big style!
Hey, brynn, I'm here. Now red this.
Finally the proof for the nay-sayers!
NUREMBERG— A university institute in this medieval city has discovered that people who speak Germanic languages demonstrate a higher overall IQ than those who speak other tongues. Highest are those who speak English. But not all forms of English. British English tops the list.
Researchers at the Alfred Rosenberg Institute in Nuremberg have just completed an exhaustive 10-year study on the link between language and intellect.
"What our research shows clearly," explains Dr. Jean Haudry, a faculty director, "is that the Germanic peoples began to show a marked superiority over other population groups early on. And this superiority gap continued to widen as the Germanic languages evolved and spread through Northern Europe."
Not only that, but it appears English speakers are head of the class for intelligence - and they owe it all to their Anglo-Saxon ancestors.
"It does appear the Anglo-Saxon language became even more streamlined and efficient as a vehicle of communication once these people left the forests of Northern Germany and struck out on their own. It would seem that the Anglo-Saxons, as a distinct Germanic subset, were of a higher IQ overall."
The studies at the institute linked extensive work compiled in the 1930s with newer fieldwork in over six continents.
"It isn't really that surprising and it does help to explain why English has become the dominant language of modern times," adds Professor Mark Collett, a senior researcher at Waltham Cross University College in Hertfordshire, England.
"Our own studies not only confirm the German findings but go one step further. IQ is higher not only amongst British English speakers but is highest in those who actually live in England. IQ drops off quickly amongst other English-speaking groups in the British Isles - notably the Irish."
"That could explain the poor showing of American English. It's quite likely a result of the influence of Irish and other non-English immigrants on the language there."
www.londontimes.co.uk . . .
Finally the proof for the nay-sayers!
NUREMBERG— A university institute in this medieval city has discovered that people who speak Germanic languages demonstrate a higher overall IQ than those who speak other tongues. Highest are those who speak English. But not all forms of English. British English tops the list.
Researchers at the Alfred Rosenberg Institute in Nuremberg have just completed an exhaustive 10-year study on the link between language and intellect.
"What our research shows clearly," explains Dr. Jean Haudry, a faculty director, "is that the Germanic peoples began to show a marked superiority over other population groups early on. And this superiority gap continued to widen as the Germanic languages evolved and spread through Northern Europe."
Not only that, but it appears English speakers are head of the class for intelligence - and they owe it all to their Anglo-Saxon ancestors.
"It does appear the Anglo-Saxon language became even more streamlined and efficient as a vehicle of communication once these people left the forests of Northern Germany and struck out on their own. It would seem that the Anglo-Saxons, as a distinct Germanic subset, were of a higher IQ overall."
The studies at the institute linked extensive work compiled in the 1930s with newer fieldwork in over six continents.
"It isn't really that surprising and it does help to explain why English has become the dominant language of modern times," adds Professor Mark Collett, a senior researcher at Waltham Cross University College in Hertfordshire, England.
"Our own studies not only confirm the German findings but go one step further. IQ is higher not only amongst British English speakers but is highest in those who actually live in England. IQ drops off quickly amongst other English-speaking groups in the British Isles - notably the Irish."
"That could explain the poor showing of American English. It's quite likely a result of the influence of Irish and other non-English immigrants on the language there."
www.londontimes.co.uk . . .
***IQ is higher not only amongst British English speakers but is highest in those who actually live in England***
Can you actually credit all this stupit blethers? I reckon our demented Sassenach makes it all up as he goes along, picking up more crap that grows larger and larger like a snowball rolling down a hillside.
Can you actually credit all this stupit blethers? I reckon our demented Sassenach makes it all up as he goes along, picking up more crap that grows larger and larger like a snowball rolling down a hillside.
<<NUREMBERG— A university institute in this medieval city has discovered that people who speak Germanic languages demonstrate a higher overall IQ than those who speak other tongues. Highest are those who speak English. But not all forms of English. British English tops the list.>>
Who said the Third Reich wouldn't last for a thousand years, clearly it's alive and well in Bavaria!! I'm just surprised they didn't blame the "poor showing of American English" on the large jewish population.
Who said the Third Reich wouldn't last for a thousand years, clearly it's alive and well in Bavaria!! I'm just surprised they didn't blame the "poor showing of American English" on the large jewish population.
I am 100% certain that that article is a joke. First off, www.londontimes.co.uk is a bogus website. The actual website of the (London) Times is http://www.timesonline.co.uk . I took phrases from the article and Googled them in quotes, and no results came up. Furthermore, I did searches for < Germanic languages > and < Germanic Nuremberg > on the Times website, and this article was nowhere to be found. Adam has besmirched the reputation of a respectable newspaper.
Plus, certain parts of the text make it evident that it's fake. I mean, of all cities, it had to be Nuremberg? And "the influence of Irish and other non-English immigrants"? And "extensive work compiled in the 1930s"?!!
Most conclusive, of course, are the names. Jean Haudry ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Haudry ) is a far-right ally of Jean-Marie Le Pen; Mark Collett ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Collett ) is a former BNP youth leader and an avowed neo-Nazi; and last but not least, Alfred Rosenberg ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Rosenberg ) was one of the main architects of the Third Reich, sentenced to hang as a war criminal in the Nuremberg trials.
In sum, the above article is bullshit. And worse than that, it's tasteless bullshit.
Plus, certain parts of the text make it evident that it's fake. I mean, of all cities, it had to be Nuremberg? And "the influence of Irish and other non-English immigrants"? And "extensive work compiled in the 1930s"?!!
Most conclusive, of course, are the names. Jean Haudry ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Haudry ) is a far-right ally of Jean-Marie Le Pen; Mark Collett ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Collett ) is a former BNP youth leader and an avowed neo-Nazi; and last but not least, Alfred Rosenberg ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Rosenberg ) was one of the main architects of the Third Reich, sentenced to hang as a war criminal in the Nuremberg trials.
In sum, the above article is bullshit. And worse than that, it's tasteless bullshit.
<<Can you actually credit all this stupit blethers? I reckon our demented Sassenach makes it all up as he goes along, picking up more crap that grows larger and larger like a snowball rolling down a hillside.>>
You were right on, Damian. Since I couldn't find that article anywhere on the Internet, I assume that this fool wrote it himself, or that he got it from a friend.
<<Who said the Third Reich wouldn't last for a thousand years, clearly it's alive and well in Bavaria!!>>
Fortunately, that's not actually the case. Never trust articles posted by ideolog trolls on Internet forums - especially articles from newspapers that don't exist. ;-)
You were right on, Damian. Since I couldn't find that article anywhere on the Internet, I assume that this fool wrote it himself, or that he got it from a friend.
<<Who said the Third Reich wouldn't last for a thousand years, clearly it's alive and well in Bavaria!!>>
Fortunately, that's not actually the case. Never trust articles posted by ideolog trolls on Internet forums - especially articles from newspapers that don't exist. ;-)
<<NUREMBERG— A university institute in this medieval city has discovered...>>
Medieval city and medieval science..LOL!
Medieval city and medieval science..LOL!
The Geordie accent is pleasant on the ear, as are some other English and Scottish varieties, but many of the pronunciations are far different both from each other and from those of other countries.
Why is this? Doesn't the current education system in the UK try to teach pronunciation at all, as it presumably does spelling?
It must have tried once, as these standards were fairly successfully exported to various former British colonies, which today display pronunciations relatively close to the intended norm, while some regional British accents are poles apart from it.
Why is this? Doesn't the current education system in the UK try to teach pronunciation at all, as it presumably does spelling?
It must have tried once, as these standards were fairly successfully exported to various former British colonies, which today display pronunciations relatively close to the intended norm, while some regional British accents are poles apart from it.
Yikes! That Adam posting is awful!
I'd have to agree with Lazar: it's BOGUS.
I mean, c'mon, Alfred Rosenberg Institute?
I'd have to agree with Lazar: it's BOGUS.
I mean, c'mon, Alfred Rosenberg Institute?
When I wrote about "Adam's" article yesterday, I hadn't actually read any further than the first paragraph- I rarely do with anything Adam posts. I did read it through after i had posted and realized pretty quickly that it was a joke.
My guess is someone foreign, probably American as no British person would refer to the Times as the London Times!
My guess is someone foreign, probably American as no British person would refer to the Times as the London Times!