speak english
i really have been spending a lot of time reading some of the posts on the forum.people are really concerned about learning the language.grammar,reading,listening,writing....but there is not a single person who has ideas about helping a non native speaker get really fluent.nobody has any ideas about speaking english well.so many things go into making a person a good speaker,it is also psychological.pronunciation can be learned but the flow cant be maintained.what about panic attacks and hesitation...native speakers dont have worry about all that.i make a living speaking the language and a lot is at stake for me.how do a person like me speak freely without any inhibition and also sound good.
any suggestions
Having conversations with native speakers is always a good way to get native pronunciation and intonation. I imagine that you probably become a better speaker with every phone call you take.
"panic attacks"
Cool down, man!
hi ryan
i have been taking calls for three years now and i dont see the end in sight.i still think i have along way to go.im good with everything else ,listening writing and all that.....my only concern is speaking.i lack the flow and i cant keep up the right pronunciation all the time.its like something gets stuck in my throat and i cant get the words out.im conscious of all the words that i utter all the time.maybe i should not be so conscious all the time.what do you think ?.
That is one factor. Self-consciousness hampers your fluency because you are afraid of making mistakes. Just let your mouth do the talking most of the time and don't pay too much attention to your self-consciousness. Instead just focus on putting your thoughts across. Minor mistakes here or there don't hamper your overall meaning of your sentences as long as your flow of language is smooth. From now on, try to focus on getting your points across. Also, when you communicate next time, try to purge all negative thoughts from your mind and consider yourself as a seasoned and experienced communicator. Otherwise, if you have some money to burn then you can do it by buying these books which are developed by your local indian speaker.
http://www.fluentzy.com/ -
I don't have the experience of using these books but the way the website is going ga-ga about Prof. Kev's techniques for improving fluency then you might give them a shot!
Someone who speaks a lot and makes a couple mistakes but still is able to communicate is better than someone who speaks little.
Don't worry about making mistakes. You are at the point where you can only get better at speaking by getting comfortable with the way you sound. You won't get anywhere by worrying. Find a good friend (who speaks perfect English) that you know won't make you feel bad for making mistakes. Just talk, talk, and talk. Your friend should correct mistakes and you will gain confidence.
Self-talking and reading out loud also helps but doing these activities on a regular basis is a key to build better fluency. Set side one hour or so for such activities. If you find them boring to do then you can do them by recording your voice into a portable voice recorder that private detectives have in their pocket. And listen to such recordings over and over again and see where you go wrong or right. Self-assessement is the best way to improve any sort of shortcomings. Don't get stressed!
thank you all..presley,ryan and guest.
i guess what you guys are saying is right.iam the only obstacle to speak fluent english.i have mastered the language and am fluent as you can tell by my writing but speaking is different ball game altogether.i tried everything relaxation techniques,reading aloud and speaking to myself.recording my voice as i take calls i regularly have to listen to my own calls to spot any mistakes,the quality team makes me do it.i feel like i have hit a plateau like what happens with bodybuilders.i feel like im not progressing.i speak english all the time with brits,americans on the phone and with my friends here,still iam not satisfied with my own ability.iam only looking for answers guys i want to be like those american preachers who can really make an impression with their language.people sit up and take notice when they speak,the fluency,intonation,accent ...teh flow.i wish i was that good.
i have another question,presely says i should allow myself to make mistakes but the site antimoon says we should not make mistakes as we may reinforce them and it will be hard to unlearn.i agree with them because when i started speaking i had a very thick indian accent,after sometimes i consciously avoided sounding like an indian and tried to neutralise my accent.so i got more and more self conscious to the point of anxiety.now i get anxioud before i speak as i dont want to sound like an indian.my vocabulary and pronunciation and grammar is fairly good.it is the flow iam worried about,sometimes i think of giving up because i ahve spent three years in the call center and five years before that learning english.prior to that i learned english from kindergarten but we used to communicate in the local language and not in english.i wish i knew the importance of the language back then.my only concern now is to maintain the flow without making mistakes and sound good or understandable
ryan if you are reading this ,how did you know i take calls even before i mentioned it.
excuse me ! who can give me some tips to read and pronoun correctly in English?
hi jack,
i think i can help you with that but i need to know how good you are to offer you tips.i dont want to be making suggestions which may not suit you.tell me how long have you been trying to learn english and how good you are at english.
hey guys,
ill be at work for another two hours and then ill go home, ill come back tomorrow and hopefully ill find something that will make me happy tomorrow.
iam back at work guys i will be here for another 5 hours so anybody wants to comment,please do.
sir i am a 3 yr engg stuent .In one year then i will attend my placement.So what thing i must do for improve my fluentzy