Where is this guy from?
<<Are you sure the voice in the recording belongs to Gary Oldman? It sounds much too young I think.>>
Well, to be honest, it's not Gary Oldman. And it's a young voice indeed, that of a twenty-year-old man.
<<It sounds weird. Like a foreigner trying to put on a posh british accent.>>
It may well be. That's actually my voice. I'm trying to imitate Gary Oldman in that part of 'Harry Potter and the goblet of fire'. And I'm not trying to put on a posh accent, that's my accent, man.
It is indeed a pleasant accent. And I wouldn't say it's posh, the FACE vowel is not the posh [eI] but a more trendy [6I] I guess ("face to face"). The PRICE diphthong has the back starting element [AI] rather than [aI] ("recognised", "bites"). "Intercepting" does sound as if it started with /E/. Where are you from, Pete?
<<..."Intercepting" does sound as if it started with /E/...>>
Oh, I hear over and over, and over... and it sounds a bit like 'I' in 'bit'. But I guess I have been affected by this check-chick sort of merger. That's my Kiwi teacher's influence, hehehe.
Regards, wherever you are Steven.
<<...Where are you from, Pete?>>
I'm from Peru.
<<Oh, I hear over and over, and over... and it sounds a bit like 'I' in 'bit'...>
Well, to my ears. I'll have to work on this issue a wee bit hard, mates.
***Are you sure the voice in the recording belongs to Gary Oldman? It sounds much too young I think.***
I just assume it IS the voice of Gary Oldman...I really cannae confirm that as I've no idea what he sounds like to be honest. If the link says it's him then it's him as far as I'm concerned...maybe it was recorded a long time ago as he's definitely not a chicken. Sorry, Gary..... :-)
Anyway he was great in Prick Up Your Ears, and he managed to adopt a Leicester accent apparently, b/c that's where Orton came from.
Damian: the mistery had already been solved. The voice was NOT that of veteran actor Gary Oldman, but that of a 20-year-old Peruvian named Pete. Impressive.
Well, thanks, mate.
You don't really speak the same when you read as when you're speaking naturally, So I made an awful lot of recordings of me speaking in different situations to check that problem. Anyway, I'll have to work on this reading problem in order to improve.
It's cool, in this forum I've learnt so many things, people here helped me improve my English even more. Criticism is alway welcome, it gets me a closer to perfection, which I will reach some day, I hope.
And well, my actual name is Pedro but I told my English speaking friends to call me that because... well it was a bit weird to here my Londoner teacher say 'Pedra' or my Brummie ex-girlfriend call me 'Pei-dray' or something, my New Zealander teacher could make it a bit better, something like 'Pee-drow'. Americans and Scottish people pronounce it perfectly, though: 'Peh-droh'. I couldn't help grinning at their way of saying my name, so that's the story of it... more common, simpler... PETE.