
abc   Mon May 29, 2006 5:54 am GMT
I still can't put my hand on the difference between "fucked" and "fucked up"
I was also going to mention that I'm not entirely sure I get the meaning of "to flip out." Doesn't mean to get very mad and act upon that emotion?
Guest   Mon May 29, 2006 6:27 am GMT
"Fucked" = sex, mistreatment, in trouble

"They fucked." = "They had sex."
"The company fucked him (over)." = "The company mistreated him."
"He's fucked." = "He's in trouble."

"Fucked up" = messed up

"I fucked up." = "I messed up."
"This computer is fucked up." = "This computer is messed up (isn't working right)."
"That's a fucked up situation." = "That's a bad/weird situation."

"Flipping out" means suddenly getting very angry. It implies that the person is yelling and acting somewhat crazy.
Uriel   Mon May 29, 2006 7:44 am GMT
"Fucked up" can also be slank for "drunk" -- after two six-packs and half a bottle of tequila, he was all fucked up.
Adam   Mon May 29, 2006 9:47 am GMT

Hee hee.

Silly Americans can't even spel right.
Guest   Mon May 29, 2006 9:49 am GMT

What kind of word is spel? Hypocrite.
Guest   Mon May 29, 2006 1:57 pm GMT
What kind of word is spel? Hypocrite.

That's an American way of spelling. Honour as honor or spell as spel.
Adam   Mon May 29, 2006 10:42 pm GMT
Me, American, never! I spel spel as spel because I'm a special breed from Northern England and Her Majesty gave me a dispensation. Vive l'Angleterre du nord ! Mort aux francais ! Attends...mais, je parle le francais britannique !
Stan   Tue May 30, 2006 12:47 am GMT
<< still can't put my hand on the difference between "f**ked" and "f**ked up... >>

absolute nonsense!

...and Brennus, as a moderator, I'm absolutely disgusted and somewhat disappointed that you allowed yourself to be a part of this ridiculous and outrageous topic.

...and Adam, cut the spelling thing out, I for one prefer 'spell' (the American version) compared to 'spel'

...and abc, enough already; with your nonsensical questions!
Guest   Tue May 30, 2006 8:50 am GMT
He's one of our several resident trolls.
Uriel   Tue May 30, 2006 9:38 am GMT
It's not that we Americans can't spell, it's that this American (hic!) can't type worth a crap.

Nobody spells "spell" as "spel", Stan. And get off your high horse already. Without the word "fuck", most of us would be unable to truly express our sentiments honestly and in full when necessary....