Do you know of any online dictionnary with PICTURES? I already got a tradional dictionnary, but I need one that explains with photo what the words cannot really convery.
Online dictionnary with pictures
The difference between or when we should use these words
“A” and “The”
“FOR” and “TO”
“Go” and “goes”
Told, speak and said
Then and Than or Then only and Than only
Made and make
That or Which
When do we use these words “DO” “AS” is used
Has and does?
May be and Might be
Could would and should
All though and even though
To the office OR for the office which one is the correct?
Is there any rules to use or when should we must use these words
IN, ON, ACROSS, FOR, TO, AROUND, ABOUT, OF, BY AND OVER: overthere but not that completed: over)
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I will be waiting for your reply bye
“A” and “The”
“FOR” and “TO”
“Go” and “goes”
Told, speak and said
Then and Than or Then only and Than only
Made and make
That or Which
When do we use these words “DO” “AS” is used
Has and does?
May be and Might be
Could would and should
All though and even though
To the office OR for the office which one is the correct?
Is there any rules to use or when should we must use these words
IN, ON, ACROSS, FOR, TO, AROUND, ABOUT, OF, BY AND OVER: overthere but not that completed: over)
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I will be waiting for your reply bye