vindictive, rancorous, spiteful, or something else?

j   Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:32 am GMT
What would you call a person who remembers something bad had done to him long time ago? He’s able to carry these bad feelings toward another person who’d done this through the whole life. BUT: he’s not vindictive, e.g. he never really wants to pay back, he just doesn’t forget. Let me give you an example.
My mom still remembers some bad words spoken to her by her female friend many years ago. They’re still good friends (truly!) and she never allows herself to show anybody she still feels hurt. She admits it to me only.
I want to add that a word which expresses my mom’s feelings, has some bad connotation in my mother tongue, but pretty mild, rather less than vindictive, rancorous, or spiteful. My mom who is “seventy something“ is not definitely vindictive or spiteful. But she is… what?
Damian in Edinburgh   Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:48 am GMT
Considering the rest of your post, I'd just like to know why you used the masculine gender in your first paragraph?

Such sentiments could well come out of BB7...and first prize would go to Grace without a shadow of a doubt....She is the epitome of the title of this thread.

Uriel   Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:42 am GMT
Resentful is good. It's also called "holding a grudge".
j   Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:45 am GMT
Thank you, Damian, Brennus, and Uriel.