<<In the California vowel shift, isn't /{/ raised and tensed to [e@] or [I@]? I've heard several Californians and Arizonans that raise and tense that vowel, at least much more than I do.>>
Yeah true, altho at least at this point it depends on speaker. While it is true I've noticed it a few times in my speech it doesn't seem to be my default form (listen to my recording and I don't do that). In my experience it seems to be most extreme in the speech of young females who are progressive CVS speakers.
Yeah true, altho at least at this point it depends on speaker. While it is true I've noticed it a few times in my speech it doesn't seem to be my default form (listen to my recording and I don't do that). In my experience it seems to be most extreme in the speech of young females who are progressive CVS speakers.