Romance words in English

Guest   Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:24 am GMT
Marius <<Never heard anyone saying - First HELP vs First AID. Did you?
You can speak at home , Mongolian or spanglish, using only Viking words if you want, but the GENERAL use of English ( which includes both formal and informal words) is predominately Latin. >>

Never heard anyone saying - Aiding hand vs helping hand. Did you??
We can go round in these circles all day, it doesn't prove jack. Why do people constantly bring up this nonsense?

<<greg > « Lastly, I think you *overestimate* the *influence* of *Romance* on English. Often a *single* *Germanic* word in English can have *several* *Romance* *equivalents*, but the *Germanic* word is *usually* by far the most *commonly* *used*. »

greg, let them be chavs and speak like chavs… >>

Ah, another one of Gregs chippies who likes to give his arse a good tonguing. Gets some dignity boy.