Yes, bubble-headed means empty-headed.
"Smoking gun" is not only hard evidence, but specifically evidence that points very strongly toward the guilty party -- from the gunsmoke that would be visible from a just-fired gun.
One of the eye movements cops are looking for is nystagmus, where the eye bounces a little when it hits the limit of it range of motion, which is why they want you to hold your head still and follow your finger with your eyes. Nystagmus is also present in some types of brain damage.
I was a juror in a drunk driving case and breathalyzer results were used as evidence. Repeat offenders may also be sentenced to have one attached to their car ignition, so that they have to blow into it -- and pass-- or the car won't start.
"Smoking gun" is not only hard evidence, but specifically evidence that points very strongly toward the guilty party -- from the gunsmoke that would be visible from a just-fired gun.
One of the eye movements cops are looking for is nystagmus, where the eye bounces a little when it hits the limit of it range of motion, which is why they want you to hold your head still and follow your finger with your eyes. Nystagmus is also present in some types of brain damage.
I was a juror in a drunk driving case and breathalyzer results were used as evidence. Repeat offenders may also be sentenced to have one attached to their car ignition, so that they have to blow into it -- and pass-- or the car won't start.