An <in> ne doit pas être compté dans les emprunts au français ou au latin puisque VA <in> est attesté et qu'on retrouve VN <in>, Al <in>, Go <in> etc.
English Examination part II
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I know that the term here in at least North American English is "Romance" (as an adjective, that is), most definitely *not* "Romantic" or "Romanic". I can't say much about English English myself, but in this case I have no specific reason to believe that they might use something other than "Romance" for such either. Most of the times when individuals use "Romanic" or "Romantic" in this case, it seems like they're probably not native English-speakers, and that such are simply direct calques, at the morphological level, from whatever terms said individuals use in their native languages.
american nic, though, the thing is that I think that "Latinate" is not suitable here simply because it is more narrow than "Romance". "Romance" refers to all the descendents of Vulgar Latin, and even some neo-Latin languages such as Sicilian which very well may not be necessarily descended from Vulgar Latin proper, whereas "Latinate" refers specifically to something being directly from Latin. Hence, for example, loans from Norman Old French in English today are definitely Romance, ones that are originally from Germanic sources which got borrowed into Old French aside, but they are not *Latinate* per se. On the other hand, terms that have been artificially constructed from classical or medieval Latin and directly used in other language are Latinate, but are not *Romance*, not being descended from Vulgar Latin in one fashion or another.
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