Сейчас речи об отмене кирилицы не идет. Да и в любом случае не сделают этого (ну, как было сказано, нарушается наследие; к тому же, вряд ли кто-то возьмется переписывать все тексты на латинизированный манер). Но следует упорядочить правила транслитерации. Сейчас "kajdyi pi6et kak xo4et", "i poroy slogno ponyat' chto imeeca vvidu". Нет единых правил. Систем транслитерации много. Та, что на translit.ru, далеко не совершенна (главная проблема - написание шипящих). Поэтому нужно придумать единую, максимально оптимизировав языковые средства. Специально для тех, кому недоступна русская клавиатура.
А насчет чешского (множество символов с надстрочными знаками) и польского (буквосочетания + надстрочные знаки) согласен. Хотя, с другой стороны, написание латиницей максимально приблизит русский язык к другим славянским (один раз слышал что-то вроде "Kto ż Polski?" - написано не по-русски, но все равно понятно). Да и в таком виде язык выучить гораздо проще для европейцев.
Nobody suggests to cancel cyrillic alphabet at all. And it won't be done anyway (as you said, it destructs our heritage; moreover, I can't imagine situation, when all our classical literature will be written in latin). But it's necessary to arrange and unify rules of transliteration. Nowadays everyone writes as he wants, and often it's difficult to understand meaning of such posts. There are a lot of transliteration systems. That one, which is used at www.translit.ru, isn't good (the main problem is spelling of consonants). So, unified and optimized system of transliterationis is needed (intended for those, who can't use russian keyboard).
I agree with the fact, that latin script in current version isn't a good choice for Polish and Czech languages. Both languages have a lot of symbols with signs, and letter combinations. But, from the other hand, latin (transliterated) spelling will make Russian closer to other slavonic languages (formerly I've read "[PL] Kto ż Polski?" or something like that - it's written in Polish, but this phrase is clear for me anyway). Besides, Latin form of language is easier to learn for Europeans.
А насчет чешского (множество символов с надстрочными знаками) и польского (буквосочетания + надстрочные знаки) согласен. Хотя, с другой стороны, написание латиницей максимально приблизит русский язык к другим славянским (один раз слышал что-то вроде "Kto ż Polski?" - написано не по-русски, но все равно понятно). Да и в таком виде язык выучить гораздо проще для европейцев.
Nobody suggests to cancel cyrillic alphabet at all. And it won't be done anyway (as you said, it destructs our heritage; moreover, I can't imagine situation, when all our classical literature will be written in latin). But it's necessary to arrange and unify rules of transliteration. Nowadays everyone writes as he wants, and often it's difficult to understand meaning of such posts. There are a lot of transliteration systems. That one, which is used at www.translit.ru, isn't good (the main problem is spelling of consonants). So, unified and optimized system of transliterationis is needed (intended for those, who can't use russian keyboard).
I agree with the fact, that latin script in current version isn't a good choice for Polish and Czech languages. Both languages have a lot of symbols with signs, and letter combinations. But, from the other hand, latin (transliterated) spelling will make Russian closer to other slavonic languages (formerly I've read "[PL] Kto ż Polski?" or something like that - it's written in Polish, but this phrase is clear for me anyway). Besides, Latin form of language is easier to learn for Europeans.