The use of "get"
I know that the word 'get' has so many meanings. Can I use get in this context?
"I don't know why it takes so long for the administrator to approve my subcription. I just want to get my subscription get cancelled."
You shouldn't have two 'gets' in this sentence, so it should be:
"...I just want to get my subscription cancelled."
Ups, sorry... I didn't realize that I have put two 'get'.
But, I want to continue this discussion. So, I can use the same get in the following context:
"I just want to get my name removed from the list"
"I just want to get the football match started"
Yes those are both fine :)
I wonder if english is the only language with the word "get"
I doubt it. In these examples, "get" is simply being used as an alternative to "have". And lots of languages have a word for "have".
"i got to leave now.for my baby is at home by herself."
here the "get" is the same meaning as "have".
<<"i got to leave now.for my baby is at home by herself."
here the "get" is the same meaning as "have".>>
Yup. Except I'd make a few little modifications. The speech register that "I got" or "I gotta" in terms of "I have" needs to be coupled with other less-formal sounding speech to my ears, so I'd say:
"I gotta leave now 'cuz my baby's at home by herself"