A the an a question.
There are the russian expressions "Durak durakom or dub dubom" etc you say that when you want to call someone dumb, fool. As you might guess the 2nd words in these two expressions are the derivatives from the 1st words ( durak = a fool and dub = an oak tree ). Every single russian would understand these ones but I am questioning myself and not finding an answear as to how it could be translated to English at all. Definately not. The closest variant of translation might be something like "A Fool by fool/an oak - tree by oak - tree" but I imagine the English speakers scratch their cranium heads as though they can't understand what would these two mean in a hell? Does it have any sense for your ears?
Also you will certainly not translate the russian words like "Nedopereel or nedoperepil" etc. They mean the state of mind when you feel at one time that you have overeaten/overdrank and didn't eat/drink enough. May I wrong? Can it be translated on English or you still got to express the meaning of a one word like in two sentences?
To be continued.
Well, not sure this is what you're after, but in English you can say someone is "dumb as a box of rocks" or "dumb as a brick".
As for being full, but still hungry, you could describe your stomach as a "bottomless pit".
My guess is that the figurative (not literal) translation of "durak durakom" and "dub dubom" would be something like either "the fool of fools" or "a fool among fools" or "the oak of all oaks" or "an oak among oaks."
So, in other words, something about having a wooden head?
"durak durakom" is an arrant fool, or an utter fool for me (I'm Russian, btw)
dumb as a box of rocks" or "dumb as a brick is not an equivalent for durak durakom or dub dubom.
the fool of fools" or "a fool among fools" or "the oak of all oaks" or "an oak among oaks is not an euivalent either. What do you say the russian variant would be durak vsem durakam, durak sredi durakov etc.
the russian translation of bottomless put would be prorva.
well none of you made a pretty equivalent.
Now you still don't see the MIGHTY of russian lanfuage?
@ Vasia Dvuhpupkov (Dvuhpupkov. it sounds funny)
Antimooners gave you a lot of good versions ... You shouldn't compare these languages ... They are so different ...
"Now you still don't see the MIGHTY of russian lanfuage?"
Actually, I know a lot of men like you, I'm Russian and everyday I meet with lots of you. And they say "Oh, Russian is a great language, and English sucks", or "Who needs English? Americans are stupid, and English is stupid", etc.
So, don't play kinda fool!
Vasia Dvuhpupkov,
Если я могу перевести язык с постижимым количеством ошибок с переводчиком, я не полагаю, что это будет 'mighty'...
Любой проступок Mike.
И в следующий раз Вы начинаете тему, начинаете кое-что, что имеет смысл.
Sander, what did you mean? Любой поступок Mike?
проступок, sorry ... I think you used a translater, and the meaning of your words is not properly understood
It ment to say ' no offence Mike ' ;)
Could you translate the Russian messages I just wrote (litterally) ? Thanks.
Ah, translator, of course, sooorrryyyyyyyy
(and yes I used a translator , which I hope I mentioned in the messages :)
I think "без обид!" would pe OK!