Phonetic English in your language/dialect/accent.

Adrian   Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:07 pm GMT

"Iţ hard for tu rizăns: fărst, iu prabăblii hevănt lărnt ză andărlaing sistem, secănd, uen ai ruait iuzing mai sistem ai em normălii simplii ruaiting in formăl spici for *mai oun dialect*, end sărd, mai sistem iz provijănăl in zet it iz only dizaind tu acomodeit ă relativlii limitid reingi ov ingliş dialecţ, end iz nat dizaind tu sărv ăz ă singăl ortografii for ol ov ingliş."
richvinsky   Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:40 am GMT

"Its jard for tu risons: frst, yu próbabli jávent lernd de onderláying sístem, sécond, wen ay rait yúsing mai sístem ay am nórmali simpli ráiting in fórmal spich for *mai oun dáyalect*, and trd, mai sístem is -províyonal- in dat it is ounli disaind tu acámodeit o relativli límited -reiny- av dáyalects, and is nat disaind tu serv as a singl ortágrafi for al av -ínglill-"

-províyonal- using the 'zh' sounding 'y' found in some countries
-reiny- using the 'j' sounding 'y' found in some countries
-ínglill- using the 'sh' sounding 'll' found in Argentina
JakubikF   Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:40 pm GMT
>>>> "It's hard for two reasons: first, you probably haven't learned the underlying system, second, when I write using my system I am normally simply writing in formal speech for *my own dialect*, and third, my system is provisional in that it is only designed to accomodate a relatively limited range of English dialects, and is not designed to serve as a single orthography for all of English." <<<<

In Polish:

"yts hart for tu rizens: ferst, ju probebli hewent lernd de anderlajning system, sekend, łen aj rajt jusing maj system aj em normalli sympli rajting in formal spicz for "maj ołn djalekt" end terd, maj system iz prowinszynal in det it iz onli dizajnd tu akomodejt e relatiwli limityd ren'dz of Inglisz djalekts, end iz not dizajnd tu serw es e syngel ortografy for ol of Inglisz."
przemo from poland   Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:27 am GMT
I need some information about phonetic and phonetical system in polish and english. Can you help me?
Travis   Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:00 am GMT
>>I need some information about phonetic and phonetical system in polish and english. Can you help me?<<

What sort of information are you looking for, and with respect to that, what sort of English dialect(s) are under consideration here?