Do native speakers tolerate foreign accents?
>>And BTW everybody knows that people in Europe are far more xenophobic than the americans.<<
Unless you speak their language very well. Like... German and with a perfect German accent.
HEHEHE the controversy goes on.
>And BTW everybody knows that people in Europe are far more xenophobic than the americans. <
No they are not, it's the other way around, statistics show that Australians and Americans are the most xenophobic nations, because of the immigration policy. Europe is a place where nationalities and cultures intermix, and where some people are fluent in 4 languages, besides , European Union has 25 official languages and other two adhering in 2007. A total of 27 official languages.
And one more thing, besides xenophobia, USA (the southern states) and Australia are the most racist countries in the world.
Most (southern US) Americans I have met, openly admited their intolerance towards mainly blacks.
European countries are worse towards Arabs, Blacks and Islam. I know; I've lived it.
Everybody is worse against Arabs, and Muslims, in these days, and dont ask why ! but no Black is called a NIGGER in Europe.
>>but no Black is called a NIGGER in Europe<<
Yes they are. In French for example : "un nègre"/"une négresse".
<statistics show that Australians and Americans are the most xenophobic nations, because of the immigration policy.>
Statistics can only show that Australia and America, which call immigration their principal policy have the biggest number of immigrants in the world. As for USA it's the most open country just because of its immigration policy. One can say this policy is far from perfect, but yet the European countries are much less open, and a percentage of immigrants there is smaller.
So it's stupid to say about xenophobia in USA as the biggest in the world. The facts prove themselves
Because USA is a business uncle. Students from around the world bring a huge amount of money and contribute to the America's economy billions of dollars. No foreign student studies for free at American universities and lives in America. It is an universal truth that Americans have an attitude just because their country controls the world. Today I just witnessed the way GW Bush sat in his chair and talking to journalists during a press conference.
There are several (or just one?) Guests opponent me, so I answer you all.
Your favorite word in dispute is "BECAUSE".
I say:
'newcomers in their first generation are more successful than the natives are'
you say:
'BECAUSE they came there for $$$ money.'
I say:
'Statistics can only show that Australia and America ... have the biggest number of immigrants in the world'
you say:
'BECAUSE USA is a business uncle'
I say:
'USA it's the most open country'
you say:
' BECAUSE their country controls the world.'
Can't you see the ridicule of your arguments here? You're explaining 'why', but people who coming are less interested in 'why'and more in a result. There are not too many philanthropists in big politics, and Europe is not an exception.
And BTW your 'openly admited their intolerance towards mainly blacks.' does not prove xenophobia or "intolerance toward foreing accent" just BECAUSE (your favorite!) the american blacks: 1)are not foreign; 2) do not have foreign accent.
<<And BTW everybody knows that people in Europe are far more xenophobic than the americans.>>
Really??? I don't (know) and I'm not (xenophobic). :-)
It depends... which country you are talking about. Some are, some aren't. Our country, for instance, is fluctuating between xenophobia and exaggerated xenophilia.
>>but no Black is called a NIGGER in Europe<<
Yes they are. In French for example : "un nègre"/"une négresse".
dude you are stupid ! un nègre"/"une négresse in French is not derogatory it means just BLACK.
BLACK= noir, de couleur noire; nègre
Negre is Black in French
Negro is Black in Italian Portuguese and Spanish
Negru is Black in Romanian,
NIGER is Black in Latin !!!
Only English uses NIGGER as a derogatory form
have a nice day
>>dude you are stupid ! un nègre"/"une négresse in French is not derogatory it means just BLACK.<<
And you, fella, are a complete retard ! It is DEROGATORY in French. It's worse when used in expressions like "petit nègre".
<Our country, for instance, is fluctuating between xenophobia and exaggerated xenophilia.>
and your country is... let me guess: Holland? Denmark? Definitely not France.
I'm American, and I deal with foreign accents all the time -- I work in a hospital and many of the doctors are from elsewhere -- India, Europe, Latin America, Asia. So are quite a few of the nurses. They often speak with heavy accents. I understand them just fine, and, with only a few exceptions (you can tell from where they leave blanks in the transcript), so do the other Americans who transcribe their dictation. No, it's not AS easy as listening to someone who has an American accent like mine, and occasionally I will stumble over a word or two, but their accents aren't a serious impediment to conversation. Their WRITING, on the other hand ... but that's probably just because they have MD after their names! (And the worst culprit is an American doctor -- all that education, and he writes like a caveman -- so you can't blame nationality....)
<<and your country is... let me guess: Holland? Denmark? Definitely not France>>
No, no, no. It's Hungary.