British accent

Damian in Edinburgh   Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:30 pm GMT
The worst Cornish pasty I have ever eaten was one actually bought in Cornwall itself. My mate and I were in Boscastle last year and bought two but they were vilely inedible due to lack of taste and texture and we had to chuck them away half eaten. They had only just restored the village to normal after a flood disaster devastated the place two years before and we did not wish another visitation by the Gods as some kind of divine retribution for defiling the good name of Cornish pasties so we didnae complain - maybe they hadn't got their act together after the flash floods. Having said that, all the other pasties bought elsewhere in Kernow were fantastic.

Guest: old story ........ the Scottish "deep fried" thing is just as you said - "old story". We've all gone health faddy now!
Adam   Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:56 pm GMT
"Mars" chocolate bars deep-fried in batter.

It's no wonder Scotland has Europe's highest rate of heart disease.
Guest   Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:20 am GMT
>>Guest: old story ........ the Scottish "deep fried" thing is just as you said - "old story". We've all gone health faddy now! <<

Actually the story is less than 18 months old! It's still current.

The health craze thing usually applies to the extremes. e.g. those obsessed with exercise and gym junkies.
Rene   Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:54 pm GMT
You know what you do with those bland pastys Damian? You pour a lot, and I do mean a lot, of vineagar in them and then salt them. Trust me, you'll have no idea how bad they are and if you're one of those people who likes salt and vineagar potato chips (like me, although i haven't eaten any potato chips at all in six months), you might actually enjoy it. I don't know if the vineagar is a Corcish custom or not, but its definately a custom around here.
Rene   Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:56 pm GMT
oops, that last corcish should be Cornish. And since I'm posting again anyways, did you really throw those pastys away? In my family once you buy something, you are stuck eating the whole thing, no matter how awful it is and even if it might possibly be made of cat of beef with mad cow disease.
Andy   Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:46 pm GMT
The so-called "Cornish pasties" in the shops round my way have got carrot and minced-slop in. I'd rather have pie'n'mash.
Damian in Edinburgh   Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:22 pm GMT
RENE: Och....I feel suddenly bad for saying this - yes, we chucked the half consumed "pasties" into the waste bins, all wrapped up in a Sainsbury's carrier bag. What else could we do? No way did we want to stomach the rest - tasted horrid. Now i shall have nightmares of scenes from the third world.......:-( Not even my doggie here at home would have touched them, I'm quite sure of that.

Cornish pasties apparently are very "difficult" to get just right - very hit and miss unless you have the true Cornish knack of making them using the proper ingredients.
Damian in Edinburgh   Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:20 am GMT
Leave aside British accents - how about British interpreters? We Brits are not known for our multi-lingualism - much more for our mono-lingualism, but our very own Catherine (I'm not bovvered!) Tate clarly shows how adept at translating we can be in a wide range of Languages:
Liz   Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:57 pm GMT
Oh yes...The Catherine Tate Show...

Not bad, but my favourite episode (or rather: one of my favourite episodes) is this one:

That is loosely connected with the well-known British / English "multilingualism" and clearly shows that poor British students are *so* enthusiastic about learning French or any other foreign languages in general! :-)
Liz   Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:58 pm GMT
"Suis je bovvered???"

Franglais 4 eva! :-)
Liz   Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:12 pm GMT

Chav Franglais 4 eva! Or Frantuary? Or Frestuary? Or even Frockney? :-)

BTW, do you think the actress impersonating the French teacher is a real Frenchwoman? I've got the feeling that she was constantly lapsing into out of French accent. In some parts she sounded more English than French. Her "French" accents seems just fake to me. Am I right am I not?
(Profuse apologies to her if she happens to be French. :-))
Liz   Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:16 pm GMT
Correction 2:

<<lapsing into out of >> an "and" is missing, with a dropped "d" in Lauren-style :-) :-)

Sorry for writing four messages in a sequence.
Damian in Edinburgh   Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:48 pm GMT
I liked that French Language clip from the classroom - I was bovvered by her attitude at first but maybe she made up for it by her garbled French at the end.

Catherine Tate is so cool and versatile she even coaxed Tony Blair (the real one in this YT clip) to take part in the recent Comic Relief fundraising for charity. Looks like he's a good actor but we've known that all along have we not? He missed his calling professionally, a good many of us would say. :-)
Liz   Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:03 pm GMT
I have already seen the clip...thanks, though.

I can say I am a Catherine Tate fan (even if I'm not a "fan" type). I think I'm alone with that in my homeland...I don't know a single person among my fellow countrymen who likes the show. They don't even understand those scetches...And I'm talking about those who have spent quite a long time in the UK. They just say "I don't understand what the hell they are babbling about".

Yes, "our Tony" (not really mine - it's just the how one of my ex-professors at uni put it) is a great actor. Unfortunately, he hasn't chosen the right profession. ;-)
Lit   Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:05 pm GMT
<<it's just the how>>

Without "the". Today is Typo-Day.