How do you pronounce these words? I pronounce them:
multipurpose - /mVltaIp3`p@S/
multimedia - /mVltimidi@/
multiverse - /mVltIv3`s/
multipurpose - /mVltaIp3`p@S/
multimedia - /mVltimidi@/
multiverse - /mVltIv3`s/
''multipurpose'', ''multimedia'' and ''multiverse''
How do you pronounce these words? I pronounce them:
multipurpose - /mVltaIp3`p@S/ multimedia - /mVltimidi@/ multiverse - /mVltIv3`s/
So, then for you ''multipurpose'', ''multimedia'' and ''multiverse'' don't differ at all as to how the ''multi-'' is pronounced? In case your wondering what ''multiverse'' means, here's an explanation It's a group of universes.
Fixed the link -
Well I don't use the word "multiverse" very often but I would imagine that I would indeed have [I] there, in analogy with the [I] I have in "universe." However, for other words they're somewhat interchangeable, altho certain words seem to lean towards one pronunciation over another for me.
I generally pronounce "multi" as [mVlti].
multipurpose - [mVltip3`p@s] multimedia - [mVltimidi@] multiverse - [mVltiv3`s] Contrast my "multiverse" [mVltiv3`s] with my "universe" [junIv3`s]: I use [i] for one and [I] for the other, unlike Kirk who uses [I] for both.
<<Contrast my "multiverse" [mVltiv3`s] with my "universe" [junIv3`s]: I use [i] for one and [I] for the other, unlike Kirk who uses [I] for both.>>
Of course "multiverse" isn't a common word at all and I don't even remember saying it, so I was just guessing how I'd say it. I've just read it before. "Multipurpose" and "multimedia" are much better words to gauge such things because they're common in the spoken language as well.
Yes, "multiverse" isn't common, and it isn't really part of my native lexicon - I think I just learned it from some scientific articles. I assumed it was [mVltiv3`s] rather than [mVltIv3`s] because I pronounce "multi" as [mVlti] in any other instance where it occurs.
I guess that for me, the urge to analogize "multiverse" with "multimedia", "multipurpose", etc., was stronger than the urge to analogize "multiverse" with "universe".
<<Yes, "multiverse" isn't common, and it isn't really part of my native lexicon - I think I just learned it from some scientific articles. I assumed it was [mVltiv3`s] rather than [mVltIv3`s] because I pronounce "multi" as [mVlti] in any other instance where it occurs.
I guess that for me, the urge to analogize "multiverse" with "multimedia", "multipurpose", etc., was stronger than the urge to analogize "multiverse" with "universe".>> Lazar, I rarely ever say ''multiverse''. But I've commonly written about it, because I'm interested in outer space and the possibility of other universes existing in a multiverse. It seems likely that there are some other universes out there, perhaps an infinite number of them. Here's my space forum . My username there is ''Steve''.
Urg, I would say the 'i' in 'multipurpose', 'multimedia', and 'multiverse' the same (like 'ea' in 'tea', though maybe a bit shorter). The 'i' in 'universe', though, is a schwa for me.
It's been years since I've done much writing about pronunciation, and I don't recall the symbols of the various systems of transcription. I notice that Antimoon has a page about that -- Using its ASCII Phonetic Alphabet, I suppose that my 'multi-' would be m^lti: (where are you guys getting your symbols -- do you have a link that gives examples in English words?).
This wikipedia page:
shows the SAMPA symbols for English. This page: shows all the X-SAMPA symbols, which include many sounds not found in English. (X-SAMPA is an extension of SAMPA.)
<<Using its ASCII Phonetic Alphabet, I suppose that my 'multi-' would be m^lti: (where are you guys getting your symbols -- do you have a link that gives examples in English words?).>>
We don't normally use Antimoon's system because it's not very detailed. It really only deals with differences on a phonemic level while what we discuss often involves phonemic representations as well as actual phonetic surface manifestation of underlying sounds. For that XSAMPA is best (well IPA would be ideal but its symbols can't be displayed here, and XSAMPA is IPA but with normal characters everyone can see and read). Using XSAMPA your "multi" would be /mVlti/ --> ["mV5ti].
Around here, "multi" is usually just /mOltaI/, and if it is not such then it is less commonly /mOlti/. Note the shift from /@/ to /O/, and the preferring of /aI/ over /i/ (and especially /I/).
I have [o] (a rounded and back [o]) in "multi." So for me it's [mo5ti] or [mo5taI].
I definitely use the unrounded vowel [V] in "multi". I perceive "multi" as having the exact same vowel as "hut" or "sum".
Kirk: does a pair like "insult"-"molt" rhyme for you? |