Comment "aller" est-il conjugué en interlingua ?
Le verbe "aller" dans les langues latines
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Este foro esta algo empolvado, unas buenas sacudidas y quedará como nuevo.
Ok, Le verbe "aller" dans les langues latines.
En el español, "aller" = "ayer"
Therefore it's the same as "yesterday"... ¡¡¡JAJAJAJAJA!!!! ¡¡¡¡BROMA!!!!
Ok, Le verbe "aller" dans les langues latines.
En el español, "aller" = "ayer"
Therefore it's the same as "yesterday"... ¡¡¡JAJAJAJAJA!!!! ¡¡¡¡BROMA!!!!
You know that's incorrect, right?
What's yesterday in French?
Italian "ieri" (pronounced "yeree")
Spanish "ayer"
What's yesterday in French?
Italian "ieri" (pronounced "yeree")
Spanish "ayer"
Just in case anyone's wondering what the vb "aller" in another Latin language is...I mean Romanian...Even though it's quite different from the Italian/Spanish/French version.It does come from the Latin "mergere" though.
eu merg
tu mergi
el/ea merge
noi mergem
voi mergeti
ei/ele merg
eu merg
tu mergi
el/ea merge
noi mergem
voi mergeti
ei/ele merg
Brazilian Portuguese:
IR - to go
ESTAR INDO - to be going
eu vou, (vo)cê vai, ele vai
a gente vai, (vo)cês vão, eles vão
Estou indo. = I'm going.
Eu vou = I go
Eu vou na sua casa = I go to your house.
A gente foi numa festa. = We went to a party.
Eu vou te escrever. = I'm going to write to you.
Está na hora da gente ir. = It's time for us to go.
Não vai! = Don't go!
IR - to go
ESTAR INDO - to be going
eu vou, (vo)cê vai, ele vai
a gente vai, (vo)cês vão, eles vão
Estou indo. = I'm going.
Eu vou = I go
Eu vou na sua casa = I go to your house.
A gente foi numa festa. = We went to a party.
Eu vou te escrever. = I'm going to write to you.
Está na hora da gente ir. = It's time for us to go.
Não vai! = Don't go!
"merge" from Romanian must have the same root for "merge" in English, must be that people were merging a little while they were walking
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