<<As soon as a Californian opens his mouth you know it.
;_) >>
"His" mouth? Well I'm a Californian male and when not in California my place of origin has more than once been guessed correctly due to my accent but it's not just males, I can assure you. :)
Tis true (as long as one really means "their" by "his"), but then, from the perspective of many a Californian, the same is true with Upper Midwesterners. >>
Yup. They're very noticeable.
;_) >>
"His" mouth? Well I'm a Californian male and when not in California my place of origin has more than once been guessed correctly due to my accent but it's not just males, I can assure you. :)
Tis true (as long as one really means "their" by "his"), but then, from the perspective of many a Californian, the same is true with Upper Midwesterners. >>
Yup. They're very noticeable.