Yesterday I searched exact match of "he is working", and I got the news example above. Today it is not in the first page, however. Again, I searched the phrase and noted the following page:
It came in the second result in the first page, preceding many others. I think this web page would keep the position a little longer. In the following examples, all I can see is progressive tense, sometimes Present Progressive, and sometimes Perfect Progressive. I cut them short to save the space here. But as you may check, I didn't cut much, actually. From the examples I believe that progressive tenses mean much more than "in progress", but what are the Time Concepts of using them? Or perhaps Meanings?
-- Dr. Ph. Cardin (LGIT): he is studying the motions set out in the fluid outer core by the precession of its solid container, in collaboration with D. Jault. He is now running numerical models but plans to devise an experimental one in the new facilities at Grenoble University.
-- A. Chulliat (IPGP) (Ph.D. student): he is currently working with G. Hulot on some new ways of investigating core flows, using a local approach based on the tangentially geostrophic approximation.
-- Dr. P. Defraigne (ROB): she has been working on modeling mantle convection in order to obtain the boundary displacements inside the Earth, the geoid and the plate velocities, in particular in order to evaluate the CMB displacement.
-- Dr. V. Dehant (ROB): she has been working on the Earth interior modeling in the frame of nutation theory (as well as earth tides); she has been working on core modes in the theoretical point of view in the frame of superconducting gravimeters; she has been working on the FCN and FICN using both the analytical approach as well as the numerical integration approach; she has been working on the FCN period and amplitude from nutation data (free oscillations as well as resonance effects). She is currently continuing to work on nutation modeling incorporating new physics of the Earth interior and lenght-of-day (lod) modeling related to the core effects. She is presently extending her work to the planet Mars.
-- Dr. O. de Viron (ROB): he is working on the effects of the atmosphere on nutations and LOD; he is performing numerical computations based on meteorological data and theoretical computations based either on the angular momentum conservation approach or on the torque approach (as for the core, he is using the pressure torque, the gravitational torque and the friction torque). He is presently extending his work on other geophysical fluids, namely the ocean and the fluid core of the Earth.
-- E. Dormy (IPGP) (PostDoc): he is working on numerical modeling of the Geodynamo and turbulent motions in the Earth's core. He is concerned with numerical difficulties associated with the modeling of motions in the core. He is presently working at UCLA.
-- Dr. M. Greff-Lefftz (IPGP): she has been working on modeling the elastic, viscoelastic and fluid deformations of the Earth induced by external sources as well as internal sources (internal load within the mantle, pressure and tangential traction at the CMB and ICB ...). At the present, she is investigating the influence of the magnetic field on the rotational eigenfrequencies of the Earth.
-- Dr. J. Hinderer (EOPGS): he has been working on the theory of the rotation and deformation of an earth model including a solid inner core, fluid outer core, elastic mantle surrounded by atmospheric and oceanic thin surficial layers.
-- Dr. R. Holme (FGZ, Potsdam): he has been working on electromagnetic core-mantle coupling, demonstrating that this is indeed a possible mechanism to explain decadal variations in lenght of day. He is studying the influence of a priori assumptions on models of fluid flow and the core angular momentum calculated from them.
-- Dr. G. Hulot (IPGP): He has been investigating (both theoretically and numerically) the dynamical consequences of such flows on the Earth's rotation (LOD variations, polar motions). He is currently working on some new ways of investigating core flows (with A. Chulliat), and on the possibility of seeing zonal flows that could relate to the presence of an inner core (with A. Pais). He is also investigating the possible influence of an inner core on core-mantle interactions (again with A. Pais).
-- Dr. A. Jackson (ULeeds): He is interested in morphology of magnetic field at the core mantle interface using contemporary and historical data. Also working on construction of models of radial magnetic field and its secular variation compatible with frozen flux and radial vorticity conservation.
-- Dr. D. Jault (LGIT): He is developing numerical models in collaboration with Ph. Cardin. He is now completing this study with Dr. J. Wicht (Exeter University).
-- Prof. H. Legros (EOPGS): he has been working on the mantle visco- elastic deformations and on the core topography. .....and presently he is working about the resonances associated with these modes.
-- Prof. J-L. Le Mouel (IPGP): He is working on the electromagnetic and topographic core-mantle coupling, both axial and equatorial.....
-- J. Noir (LGIT) (Ph.D. student): he is doing a thesis devoted to the study of the precession of a fluid volume under the supervision of D. Jault and Ph. Cardin.
-- A. Pais (IPGP) (Ph.D. student): she is currently working with G. Hulot on the possibility of seeing zonal flows that could be related to the presence of an inner core. She is also investigating the possible influence of an inner core on core-mantle interactions.
-- S. Ponsar (ROB) (Ph.D. student): she is presently working (starting a Ph.D. thesis) on the possible influence of the magnetic field on nutations. In particular, she is studying the different coupling mechanisms at the CMB.