Deutsch sprechen? Steig ein!
Who else thinks Angela Merkel is hot?
She has a very sultry lips and her hips moves like the waves of the sea.
I like her plump chest and her hair is very modern.
Quoi de neuf à propos de la coalition jamaïcaine ?
Gruess Gott!
Ich bin amerikaner, in NC geboren. Ich bin viele mal in Deutschland, Osterreich u. der Schweiz als missionaer. Leider habe noch nicht die opportunitaet gehabt, um in deutschland langer zu wohnen. Seit meine Kindheit habe ich mich fuer Fremdsprachen interessiert, und ich lernte ohne viele Schwierigkeiten deutsch zu sprechen u. verstehen. Ich weiss, dass mein deutsch noch nicht perfekt ist, aber ich habe genug hochdeutsch gelernt, um mich fuer dialekten zu interessieren. Haupsaechlich moechte ich besser bayrisch lernen. Denn meine Zeit in Deutschland meistens im Suden war, und denn ich war viele mal in Oesterreich, habe ich schon ein bisschen ('a bisserl') bayrisch gelernt. Spricht jemand hier 'bayrisch' als Mutterdialekt? Ich waere sehr dankbar fuer jede Moeglichkeit, das zu ueben! Danke u. Gottessegnung!
hallo alle! ich lebte in deutschland für fier jahre aber ich habe es fast alles vergessen, es ist mir ein bisien schwer deutsch zu sprechen aber ich möchte mich mir iemand schreiben. Ich bin von Spanien und lebe in Madrid, vier und zwanzig jahre alt, und vielaicht gehe wieder nach deutschland.
chao und viele grüsse!!
Je spreach pas le deutsch, par contre j'aufzuricht le thema de diskussion !
Jhonathan G said : " I LOVE ENGLISH as the greatest language in the world. I mean I love european languages, they just have one (or 2) fatal errors " .......blabla.....& So everyone should thank us native speakers that we speak the most democratic and logical language in the world - anyone can learn it and use it without having to have memorised senseless outdated concepts like 'grammatical gender'. God Bless the English Language! :D ..........>>
Thanks Mr. Jhonathan............but i didn't read or know that English is base for Democracy.Furthermore i didn't understand why u conclude Logical language in the world. i think U forgot something English is sum of all language........Thanks to England(the Colonialist ).
Scheisshunde, wenn ihr des Deutschen nicht mächtig seid!!!
Waldtraud Eberhardine Hoch-und-Wohlgeborene Rauh- und Wildgräfin von Hohenscheiss-Speckfurt zum Kotzen, genannt von und zu Harndrüse
Can you have because and when in the same sentence in German?
For example...
Because when he was young he could not speak.
Or would you need to re-word it in English before translating it?
Are the different dialects of germany really hard to distinguish or are they similar like with American English and Australian English?
Is there a correct way in putting words together in German? Like the word order. Does the verb always go second? like Ich bin?
also du(sin) and ihr(plural) mean you. but when you talk about (you) how can it be plural? you are only refering to one person. so when do you use ihr.
Can u give me examples.
Because when he was young he could not speak. =
Weil als er jung war, konnte er nicht sprechen.
It's possible, but I would say this is better German:
Because he couldn't speak when he was young =
Weil er konnte nicht sprechen als er jung war.
Hello, I am from Belarus and have studied German for several years but honestly I don't find it a nice language. But at the same time, if you know English it's not so difficult to learn German, because there's much in common between the two languages.
And German actually helped me to learn Dutch. I can't say that I'm really good in Dutch but I can read, write and speak it to some extent. I should say that pronunciation is of course easier in German, but grammar is easier in Dutch.
But I like Dutch much more than German, ik zou graag met iemand Nederlands spreken
I have a dutch friend and she also finds dutch a lot less complicated than German. Although being an English speaker I can say German is the hardest language to learn, especially the grammar, it is nothing like english grammar. Some of the words are similar but above all it doesn't make it any easier to speak English prior to learning German.