The Matt published in 12 volumes. Russian abusive language
Russian is the greatest language in the world.
We always hear in english movies wtf and fuk and that's about it
Russian abusive language MATT published officially in 12 volumes.
Analogy Russian has the biggest vocabulary and russians occupy 1/8 of the earth land.
Matt aint slang mofo.
Any questions?
I had a look at that Web Site and it is entirely in Russian using the Russian alphabet.
At least now-er-days we are speaking to the Russians, which has got to be a step forward. It is just a shame we can't understand what they are saying.
In 'world' terms, Russia is not all that important. The former Soviet Union might have covered a large surface area, but it was a landlocked empire. Also, Russia is not economically important.
There was a recent article on the News, about President Putin visiting South Africa. At one time, Russian support for the ANC was considered to be very important. If only because it must have annoyed everyone else. But now, Russia is an insignificant trading partner with South Africa, with an ANC government.
It is hard to imagine that only a few years ago, "Communism" was such a big threat. Was it just the possiblity of nuclear annihilation.
Real Deal, it would be nice if you toned down your language bravado :)
I understand Russian, and from what I gathered at that web site, those two volumes include 523 idioms with the word "ХУЙ," and 801 idioms with "ПИЗДА."
Do you think f-word or s-word have smaller paradigm of expressions? Given my fluency in Russian, I understand most of its slang, so called "matt," and not arguing the greatness and beauty of Russian, I doubt that Matt is more voluminous than the English cuss slang with all its regional variations.
But I do like a new trend in Russian online slang - podonkovskiy yazyk, i.e. "preved krasavcheg," etc. Very cute :))
Robin Bobin you are the product of the media and not in the know.
endrus hi. yeah I expected someone say it.
lets compare? I will go for each word you'd offer.
List in English all the synonyms for the word hmmm - to go (verb) using all the slang existing.
BTW you dont know Russian if you say I quote you - I understand most of its slang, so called "matt.
Matt ain't slang.
1 We go
2 We?
am waiting
and couldn't resist Robin Bobin. Remember last year's event's when Russia lowered down the gas to Europe or something and you all cried like the....
Real Deal, well "matt" is what I'd simply term "cuss words." I don't know all the synonyms of the word "to go," but there are plenty. Don't forget that the English language is much more idiomatic or phraseological than Russian. Sure, you can invent a helluva words, but does it make your language richer?
Just for pure fun, I'll agree to partake in this game and encourage all the guys here to join in.
So let me start. Mind you it's just the beginning of the list, not the full one so make no illusion.
1) to go
2) to stroll
3) to walk
4) to ramble
5) to roam
6) to move
7) to cruise
8) to dash
9) to rush
10) to stumble
11) to push through
12) to pass
13) to squeeze through
14) to travel
15) to trip along
16) to advance
17) to hasten
18) to hurry
19) to drag along
20) to lag
The list can be very long. But let us see what Real Deal has to say :)))
Hi endrus. Guess what. I just translate what you have writen in English as it seems and its balls to the wall correct you listed every word which would remotely remind the motion in the air the transference from A point to the B point. So we go today to the theatre = we stumble today to the theatre or squeeze to the theatre? lol man
IF I'd ask you to list synonyms for the KOK you would like the likes of - my small friend or my tender thing etc etc? lol
1) Идти
2) Прогуливаться
3) Ходить
4) Бродить
5) Странствовать
6) Двигаться
7) Крейсировать (мор.)
8) Ринуться
9) Ковылять
10 ) Метнуться
11) Протолкнуться
12) Пройти
13) Протиснуться
14) Путешевствовать
15) Слоняться
16) Продвигаться
17 ) Добегать
18 ) Догонять
19 ) Тащиться
20 ) Волочиться
and tra tatatatat
21 ) One from me Хилять for example you can say - Они ушли в театр or Они ухиляли в театр.
I can go on and on....
I imagine Endrus going word for word in a dic checking had I invented one or it was before lol. man...
No, man... I don't have to check the dictionary, because, as I said before, I am fluent in Russian. This can be an endless game, indeed.
In fact, in English you can just say they are off to theater, which you can't literally translate into Russian, unless you use a verb. Saying "oни в театре" would not be accurate.
Languages are different, they have different grammatical structures and ways to convey the same message.
There are some nice Russian slang verbs meaning "to go," like "пиздовать," "ебашить," "хуярить," the last two have some other connotations, but still it's possible to use them to indicate motion. In English, you can simply add f- or s-word to color your sentence or similarly you can use verbs figuratively. For example, you can ask "Where are you crawling?" and so on.
I am just saying there's no point to argue here. Every language is rich and beautiful in its own way.
Tak chto ne pizdi :)))
ohh endrus you do suprise me you know such words. Where u from if you know russian that good? Though you're dead wrong I would beat word by word and would express in russian myself more colourfully that you would ever do yourself in English.
Ending your sentence on tak chto ne pizdi you represent yourself as a really good at russian man lol. Да за такой рамc да за такой базл я тебя порву))).
Robin wrote on 11th Sep 2006:
...In 'world' terms, Russia is not all that important. The former Soviet Union might have covered a large surface area, but it was a landlocked empire. Also, Russia is not economically important.
There was a recent article on the News, about President Putin visiting South Africa. At one time, Russian support for the ANC was considered to be very important. If only because it must have annoyed everyone else. But now, Russia is an insignificant trading partner with South Africa, with an ANC government...
Pity but true. And now our foul language is perhaps the only thing we can boast of