English is the hardest language to learn
In my opinion, English is really not the most difficult language. As if you are a person who learn a lot of languages, you will realize, each of them has its own difficulty.
Thus, if you want to know exactly : " Is learning English the most difficult? "., please try to learn all languages in the world.
I'm Vietnamese and I have been learning English, Japanese. Not many but it gave me a chance to understand that it could not take me a little time to learn perfectly a language.
Love the poem of Allan Cameron. :X
Aimee, your grammar sucks.
Guest, please help Aimee out, then, ne...
I think Riley must be joking about being an American.
I am English...
And English is definitely hard to learn. I mean, I can't speak my language as correctly as people from other countries, so what does that make me? I speak in dialect, I don't pronounce words properly (I highly doubt you'd understand me if you heard me talk - I speak quickly and it's pretty Cockney at times, despite the fact I've only ever been near London TWICE), and there's a lot of words I don't know. I also know that double negatives shouldn't be used, but I do use them all the time. I'm awful at spelling (yay for dictionaries!) and generally just a failure at English! (I speak pretty good German and French, and a bit of Japanese...)
So yeah, I'd say English is VERY hard to learn. Probably more so for the English than for other nations. XD
By the by, Han...
The popularisation of English might be more to do with the essential conquering of the world by the English - migrating to America and Australia, the UK's former Empire, etc... People expected the locals to learn English because they were arses. (I hate my ancestry sometimes...)
Another self-hating anglo, shame.
Man--you're all very harsh about the grammatical rules; let's be kind to those who don't speak English as a first language. Actually, I've seen some funny posts here. I'm trying to get to a fluent level in German myself. Are there a lot of German speakers here?
I should have said "some of you." Sorry about the generalization.
Ich kann Deutsch. Wollen wir uns ein bisschen unterhalten? Vielleicht geht es aber nicht, da die Moderatoren die deutsche Sprache gar nicht mögen, und löschen die meisten Posts auf Deutsch sobald sie sie sehen :(
Lee - don't be so hard on yourself. We can't help what our ancestors did and I would be that you are not as difficult to speak with as you claim.
Part of the difficulty with learning English is the way we use our words. One word mean multiple things. And then there are the words that sound alike, have completely different meanings, and are spelled differently. Witch and which sound alike but are very different. Even my children in grade school are having a difficult time with this and they are native English speakers (although since I know a few words and phrases in other languages especially those that mean shut up and sit down it is no wonder that they get confused). Let us not forget our tendancy to shorten everything. Its and it's are not the same and not interchangable. These are a few of the things that make English difficult not on ly for the student who is attempting to learn our language but also for native speakers. We also put our verbs after the person or thing that is doing an action. I remember trying to learn Spanish from a native speaker. Feminine, masculine, 8 different verb tenses, it was really difficult! And sentence structure, geez!
Aimee - You are doing well. I think a bit more practice and polish and you should have the writing part down. :)
Ich kann Deutsch. Wollen wir uns ein bisschen unterhalten? Vielleicht geht es aber nicht, da die Moderatoren die deutsche Sprache gar nicht mögen, und löschen die meisten Posts auf Deutsch sobald sie sie sehen :( -Guest
"Vielleicht geht es aber nicht" Funny, sad and seemingly true.
So schade. Warum sind die Moderatoren so ganz übel? Oder vielleicht schlimm? Welches ist das bessere Wort? Ich möchte wissen, was die Moderatoren gegen die Deutsch Sprache haben. Bist du Deutsche Guest? Wie ist mein Grammatik? Ganz hässlich?
Ich frage zu viele Fragen. Tut mir Leid. Aber man lernt, wenn man fragt.
I think I'll step on some toes; hopefully the bones don't crack too loudly. I notice many people here use stuffy English; some of you may want to trim the wordage down a bit. Intellectual Arrogance is not a virtue ;) Saying something in the most complicated way possible is not good communication. Lot's of love--Eric